What “exemplary housewives” had to do in the 1950s to make a husband happy
In 1955, an interesting article was published in the United States. what a wife should be. This is a list of recommendations and tips for women who want to become the perfect housewives. We decided to find out what has changed over the past 70 years and explain why such journalism is unacceptable in modern realities. It'll be interesting!
We were just going to criticize the article “Good Wife’s Guide” when we found out it was a prank. According to Wikipedia, the article was fake. It was really being promoted to the masses. The only question is how people perceived it.
The patriarchal society in which we live has had a negative impact on the development of women. These articles only legalize it. You will understand what I am talking about when we discuss in detail each of the points of this “masterpiece” in the context of modern realities. Let's go!
How to Become the Perfect Housewife: 1955 Guidelines
What should be a wife: tips 1955 Also in the article recommend preparing for the arrival of a husband. The wife should rest for at least 15 minutes, as well as adjust her makeup and update her hair. It is impossible to look in front of your beloved tired, because he has already seen such faces in a day.
Any decent woman would say that this is complete nonsense. What she wants to look like is her business. And she doesn't have to wear makeup for her life partner. She can do it if she wants to and is comfortable wearing makeup.
With a tired husband should not talk about their experiences and problems. He should rest. The whole night belongs to him. The wife should not be offended if he wants to spend it without her. And we return again to the fact that the woman becomes only an object, an addition to the man and an ornament of his life. Such expressions are unacceptable!
The main point of this article is to do everything for your husband. Fly around him like a butterfly and please all his whims. And if you have to neglect your own needs, this is considered normal. Like, a woman can endure, not for the first time.
We insist that in our time all this should not and cannot be the norm. No matter how powerful the patriarchal system may be for the formation of women, little by little we are moving away from this. The classic scheme, where the husband goes to work, and the wife sits at home and is engaged exclusively in the household, attracts few people.
Down with stupid stereotypes about male miners and female guardians of the hearth!

We were just going to criticize the article “Good Wife’s Guide” when we found out it was a prank. According to Wikipedia, the article was fake. It was really being promoted to the masses. The only question is how people perceived it.

The patriarchal society in which we live has had a negative impact on the development of women. These articles only legalize it. You will understand what I am talking about when we discuss in detail each of the points of this “masterpiece” in the context of modern realities. Let's go!
How to Become the Perfect Housewife: 1955 Guidelines
- When the husband returns from work, there should always be a freshly prepared dinner on the table. Always think through the menu in advance. Your spouse needs to see what you think and take care of them. If it used to be the norm, now it seems strange. Most women work no less than their men. Secondly, food should not become a beacon for defining love. A modern wife can easily order the delivery of ready-made dishes. She will not love her companion any less.
- Children are the flowers of life. But when the husband comes home, they must be quiet. Also, the housewife needs to make sure that by the time the loved one comes, the washing machine, vacuum cleaner or dryer does not work. The husband wants to rest in silence.
Silence is, of course, beautiful. Should a mother force her children to be quiet? And what did the authors of the article put into this concept? In addition, do not forget that, focusing on the desires of her husband, a woman often forgets about her own needs. - “A good hostess always knows her place,” wrote the Good Wife’s Guide. This is not the case because we want equality. A woman is not enslaved when she marries. She doesn’t have “her” place. This is unacceptable!
- Your husband owns the house. You have no right to doubt what he says and does. Unfortunately, many families still live on this principle. A man's word is law. He knows better what to do and how to do it. A woman only acts as the fulfiller of his desires.
But it shouldn't be like that! A woman is a full partner in marriage. She may disagree with her husband’s opinion and argue her point of view. In conflicts where spouses can listen and hear each other, truth is born. - The article advises to talk with your husband in a pleasant and soothing tone. When he comes home after a day of work, he may be asked to take off his shoes. Can you imagine that? I wonder what else to do to please your spouse. It all sounds humiliating! According to the authors of this article, a woman should show with all her appearance how much she waited for the return of her husband. If there is no radiant smile on the face of the spouse, she can upset the beloved. The breadwinner is already tired at work! How about that?
What should be a wife: tips 1955 Also in the article recommend preparing for the arrival of a husband. The wife should rest for at least 15 minutes, as well as adjust her makeup and update her hair. It is impossible to look in front of your beloved tired, because he has already seen such faces in a day.

Any decent woman would say that this is complete nonsense. What she wants to look like is her business. And she doesn't have to wear makeup for her life partner. She can do it if she wants to and is comfortable wearing makeup.
With a tired husband should not talk about their experiences and problems. He should rest. The whole night belongs to him. The wife should not be offended if he wants to spend it without her. And we return again to the fact that the woman becomes only an object, an addition to the man and an ornament of his life. Such expressions are unacceptable!

The main point of this article is to do everything for your husband. Fly around him like a butterfly and please all his whims. And if you have to neglect your own needs, this is considered normal. Like, a woman can endure, not for the first time.
We insist that in our time all this should not and cannot be the norm. No matter how powerful the patriarchal system may be for the formation of women, little by little we are moving away from this. The classic scheme, where the husband goes to work, and the wife sits at home and is engaged exclusively in the household, attracts few people.
Down with stupid stereotypes about male miners and female guardians of the hearth!
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