Every night I pray for my husband, I believe that strong words will save him from any trouble.
Nothing is more important than the well-being and safety of those close to us. We would like to protect them from all adversity and problems. Ordinary people can not do this, but you can always ask for help from higher forces. And today we will tell you how to ask the Lord for protection for our dear men. This will help you to pray for your husband.
Editorial "Site" She shares this powerful prayer with you.
The prayer of the wife has great power. Especially if you say it with all your heart and sincerely believe in your words. With its help, you can protect your loved one from any turmoil. If you feel that your partner can help from above, just pray for him. Prayer can be said anytime and as many times as you want. The main thing is to put all your faith in it.
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on your servant, a sinner.” I believe in you as a king and a god. Come and dwell in (the name of the spouse), cleanse his soul of all sins and save him, Blessed is he who thirsts for truth, the servant of God does not want to live according to lies, he weeps for the sins of his own and neighbor.
Oh, God, I'll tear him down. Give your servant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. At every hour of this day and night instruct and support him in all things. In all unforeseen cases, do not let him forget that everything has been revealed by You.
Have mercy on the servant, O God, according to your great mercy, and purify his iniquity according to your many bounties. Lord, give me peace in my soul to meet all that the coming day brings. Amen.
Now many women escorted their husbands to the front. If your husband is a military man, you can ask him for protection in his difficult path. Of course, this is not an instant panacea. However, it will help you calm your soul, and also envelop your husband with divine protection. One more prayer for your husband that will help you feel better.
“May it be Your will, Lord, my God, to lead us in a peaceful way, to direct our steps in a peaceful way. Pave us a safe path and lead us to the goal of our journey for life, joy and peace. Return us in peace to our homes. To deliver us from the hands of all enemies and from those who await us in ambush, from wild beasts and from the hands of robbers who may meet us on the way, and from all the misfortunes that befall the world.
Send blessings on all the works of our hands and let me find mercy, blessing and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. Hear the voice of our prayers, for you are God who hears prayer and prayer. Blessed are you, O Lord, who hears prayer.
These are just some of the possible prayers. You can speak to the Lord with any words. After all, we have repeatedly said that the text of the prayer is more important than your thoughts and desires. If you put all your love and care into words, God will hear you.

Editorial "Site" She shares this powerful prayer with you.
The prayer of the wife has great power. Especially if you say it with all your heart and sincerely believe in your words. With its help, you can protect your loved one from any turmoil. If you feel that your partner can help from above, just pray for him. Prayer can be said anytime and as many times as you want. The main thing is to put all your faith in it.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on your servant, a sinner.” I believe in you as a king and a god. Come and dwell in (the name of the spouse), cleanse his soul of all sins and save him, Blessed is he who thirsts for truth, the servant of God does not want to live according to lies, he weeps for the sins of his own and neighbor.
Oh, God, I'll tear him down. Give your servant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. At every hour of this day and night instruct and support him in all things. In all unforeseen cases, do not let him forget that everything has been revealed by You.
Have mercy on the servant, O God, according to your great mercy, and purify his iniquity according to your many bounties. Lord, give me peace in my soul to meet all that the coming day brings. Amen.

Now many women escorted their husbands to the front. If your husband is a military man, you can ask him for protection in his difficult path. Of course, this is not an instant panacea. However, it will help you calm your soul, and also envelop your husband with divine protection. One more prayer for your husband that will help you feel better.

“May it be Your will, Lord, my God, to lead us in a peaceful way, to direct our steps in a peaceful way. Pave us a safe path and lead us to the goal of our journey for life, joy and peace. Return us in peace to our homes. To deliver us from the hands of all enemies and from those who await us in ambush, from wild beasts and from the hands of robbers who may meet us on the way, and from all the misfortunes that befall the world.

Send blessings on all the works of our hands and let me find mercy, blessing and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. Hear the voice of our prayers, for you are God who hears prayer and prayer. Blessed are you, O Lord, who hears prayer.

These are just some of the possible prayers. You can speak to the Lord with any words. After all, we have repeatedly said that the text of the prayer is more important than your thoughts and desires. If you put all your love and care into words, God will hear you.
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