Living 100 years without disease is possible. This remedy prevents cancer and other serious diseases.
Bulgarian professor Hristo Mermerski spent half his life researching cereals, especially wheat. His scientific experiments yielded completely unexpected results. He found his recipe for health and longevity that helps even hopelessly ill people. The basic ingredient is wheatgrass.
The amazing properties of germinated wheat grains were known in ancient times. In different cultures, it has been used to treat many diseases. Mermerski claims that this food cleans arteries and blood vessels, protects against heart disease, destroys kidney stones, strengthens immunity, improves digestion and even prevents cancer.
Recipes for longevity How to germinate wheat
The professor says he knows the world’s best recipe for youth, health, longevity, freshness and vigor. Start using this tool, and you can improve the work of the whole body, gain strength and energy.
The ingredients
Cancer prevention Other diseases require regular use of this delicious medicine. Eat a healing mixture of 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.
Follow Dr. Mermersky's advice and you'll see how your body works in a week.

The amazing properties of germinated wheat grains were known in ancient times. In different cultures, it has been used to treat many diseases. Mermerski claims that this food cleans arteries and blood vessels, protects against heart disease, destroys kidney stones, strengthens immunity, improves digestion and even prevents cancer.
Recipes for longevity How to germinate wheat
- 400 g of fresh green wheat placed in a glass vessel.
- To start sprouting, fill them with water so that it is 3 cm higher than the grains.
- Leave the wheat for 12 hours. After that, wash the seeds in the dummy and dry them.
- Leave the grain. The first sprouts will appear in 24 hours.
The professor says he knows the world’s best recipe for youth, health, longevity, freshness and vigor. Start using this tool, and you can improve the work of the whole body, gain strength and energy.
The ingredients
- 15 lemons
- 12 heads of fresh garlic
- 1 kg of natural honey
- 400g sprouted wheat
- 400g walnuts
- Grind the sprouted wheat, nuts and garlic.
- Grind 5 lemons with peel and stir all products in a bowl.
- Squeeze the juice from the remaining 10 lemons and add it to the mixture. Stir thoroughly.
- Add honey. Stir the mass with a spoon again and spread it to the banks.
- Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 3 days so that it is infused.
Cancer prevention Other diseases require regular use of this delicious medicine. Eat a healing mixture of 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.
Follow Dr. Mermersky's advice and you'll see how your body works in a week.
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