“The jelly fat will slide off the waist as early as day 4. Lost pounds will not return for 3 years, I checked personally!

Excess fat is not only unattractive, but also a great harm to health.

There's one. highly effective dietThe one that conquered the world. It was called "Sensation." The editorial board will tell you about it today. "Site".

The diet "Sensation" is moderately low-calorie and quite long: it can be used up to three weeks. According to the authors of the diet, every week takes from 3 to 5 kilograms, and the total weight loss after three weeks should be 7-12 kilograms. In addition, the dropped kilograms will not return for 3 years.

Balanced diet We present to your attention a week diet. The second and third week of the diet is the repetition of the first. Sitting all three weeks on this sensational diet is not necessary. It all depends on the goals you set for yourself. Between meals, you can drink non-carbonated water.


Weekly ration 1 day

BreakfastA cup of coffee.
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, spinach bundle or boiled carrot salad with a small amount of vegetable oil, one tomato (glass of tomato juice) without salt.
Dinner.200-250 g of steak, roasted in vegetable oil, salad of fresh vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots) with the addition of vegetable oil.

2 days

Breakfast: cup of coffee, cracker.
Lunch: 100 g of steak, a portion of fresh vegetable salad (cabbage, beets, carrots).
Dinner.: 200 g of low-fat ham or boiled meat, a glass of yogurt, kefir or natural drinking yogurt without additives.

3 days

Breakfast: cup of coffee, cracker.
LunchOne carrot, beet or large celery root, roasted in vegetable oil, one tomato (glass of tomato juice), one mandarin or plum, 1-2 oranges.
Dinner.: same as lunch.

4 days

BreakfastA cup of coffee.
Lunch: boiled egg, 3 large boiled carrots (you can make a salad from them with a small amount of vegetable oil), 150 g of cheese.
Dinner.: fruit salad. You can't eat bananas.

5 days

Breakfast: grated raw carrots sprinkled with lemon juice.
Lunch: 0.5 kg low-fat boiled or stewed fish, 1 tomato (tomato juice).
Dinner.One small steak, a salad of fresh vegetables. You can use cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper.

6 days

BreakfastA cup of coffee.
Lunch: 0.5 kg chicken stewed in vegetable oil or baked in foil.
Dinner.: 2 boiled eggs, grated raw carrots, glass of tea.

7 days

BreakfastA cup of tea.
Lunch: 150-200 g of veal or beef, stewed or boiled, apple.
Dinner.: same as lunch.


Severe attacks of hunger during this diet you are unlikely to feel. After all, agree, 200 g of chop or a pound of fish, and even with a vegetable side dish - more than enough portion not to be hungry for a long time. Many meat products and vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil will provide the body with the necessary amount of trace elements and vitamins.


Of course, before any diet should consult a doctor. We wish you health and a slim body! Don’t forget to share this diet with your friends on social media.


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