American scientists: "Life expectancy directly depends on the volume ..."
Flat belly and thin waist - the limit of dreams of many young ladies who are ready to turn mountains in the name of dreams. Of course, tastes are different, but even if you do not have problems with excess weight, you should carefully monitor the size of your waist! Scientists have proved that in the ill-fated centimeters lies the forecast of your longevity.
"Site" He will tell you why you lose precious years of life when you get older. It's very important!
It is no secret that excess weight and features of its distribution indicate certain diseases. For example, excess fat in the face, neck and lumbar area and screams about the problem with the adrenal glands, but excessive thinness, coupled with excellent appetite, indicates intestinal parasites or, even worse, the likelihood of diabetes.
But, according to scientists from Harvard University, the features of fat deposits can determine not only existing pathologies, but also predictThey are about to attack the body.
Wide waist and heart problems have always gone side by side, but recent studies have shown that extra centimeters around the waist can be a harbinger of cancer, respiratory failure and in general directly indicate the likelihood of imminent death.
A large waist volume indicates an excessive amount of visceral fat around the abdominal organs, and this is a high level of cholesterol, the risk of getting diabetes, atherosclerosis or even dying from thrombosis.
Actually, the body weight of a person does not depend so much, but the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen and lower back remains the leading factor indicating potential health problems.
After analyzing the results of experiments of the American Cancer Society, scientists came to the conclusion that the relationship between waist size and risk of death is striking! Experts have noticed that the effect of total body weight on heart health decreases with age, but the negative effect of extra centimeters on the lower back becomes only stronger.
“If your weight is in harmony with your height, but your waist size is increasing and you’re switching to bigger clothes, it’s a wake-up call to start eating right and exercising hard.” Even a slight reduction in waist width, by 2-3 centimeters, is damn useful! says Dr. Eric J. Jacobs.
How do you know if you are at risk or if your waist is normal? This is not a difficult matter – take a centimeter and measure. The norm is 90 cm for men and 75 cm for women. “For this indicator, not a foot!” – beg the American doctors. Extra 10cm at the waist Increase the likelihood of getting a fatal disease by 25%.
However, nutritionist Ekaterina Belova considers these figures to be a bit detached from reality: The standards adopted in Europe are 94 cm for men and 82 cm for women. Asians, for example, have a wider waist than we do. It's genetic. However, excess fat at the waist is really more dangerous than any other fat deposits on the body, because it disrupts the normal functioning of internal organs.”
Prevention measures
We hope that this useful article will convince you to monitor your health and control the proportions of your body. It is one thing to talk abstractly about beauty and blindly chasing fashion; it is another to know that your youth and longevity depend on your waist, which you can lose by adding to your waist over the years.
If you think this information is useful, be sure to share it with friends on social networks.

"Site" He will tell you why you lose precious years of life when you get older. It's very important!
It is no secret that excess weight and features of its distribution indicate certain diseases. For example, excess fat in the face, neck and lumbar area and screams about the problem with the adrenal glands, but excessive thinness, coupled with excellent appetite, indicates intestinal parasites or, even worse, the likelihood of diabetes.

But, according to scientists from Harvard University, the features of fat deposits can determine not only existing pathologies, but also predictThey are about to attack the body.
Wide waist and heart problems have always gone side by side, but recent studies have shown that extra centimeters around the waist can be a harbinger of cancer, respiratory failure and in general directly indicate the likelihood of imminent death.

A large waist volume indicates an excessive amount of visceral fat around the abdominal organs, and this is a high level of cholesterol, the risk of getting diabetes, atherosclerosis or even dying from thrombosis.
Actually, the body weight of a person does not depend so much, but the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen and lower back remains the leading factor indicating potential health problems.

After analyzing the results of experiments of the American Cancer Society, scientists came to the conclusion that the relationship between waist size and risk of death is striking! Experts have noticed that the effect of total body weight on heart health decreases with age, but the negative effect of extra centimeters on the lower back becomes only stronger.

“If your weight is in harmony with your height, but your waist size is increasing and you’re switching to bigger clothes, it’s a wake-up call to start eating right and exercising hard.” Even a slight reduction in waist width, by 2-3 centimeters, is damn useful! says Dr. Eric J. Jacobs.

How do you know if you are at risk or if your waist is normal? This is not a difficult matter – take a centimeter and measure. The norm is 90 cm for men and 75 cm for women. “For this indicator, not a foot!” – beg the American doctors. Extra 10cm at the waist Increase the likelihood of getting a fatal disease by 25%.

However, nutritionist Ekaterina Belova considers these figures to be a bit detached from reality: The standards adopted in Europe are 94 cm for men and 82 cm for women. Asians, for example, have a wider waist than we do. It's genetic. However, excess fat at the waist is really more dangerous than any other fat deposits on the body, because it disrupts the normal functioning of internal organs.”

Prevention measures
- The first thing to do is to give up sweets and sandwiches. Focus on a balanced diet: Eat more often, but less. Frequent meals will help to disperse the metabolism, thereby accelerating the process of getting rid of excess fat deposits.
- More often eat protein products (meat fillets, fish, eggs, nuts) and add complex carbohydrates to the diet. But from fast carbohydrates and harmful fats should be abandoned.
- Eat vitamin C and do not forget to add fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber to the diet.
- How to remove visceral fat? It's simple - combine proper nutrition and physical activity. It is important to understand that squats, tilts and swinging the press will not help much. The main enemy of visceral fat is activity! Run, swim, jump rope, get to work by bike and give up the elevator.
- Another important factor: avoid stressful situations. It is no secret that all diseases are caused by nerves.

We hope that this useful article will convince you to monitor your health and control the proportions of your body. It is one thing to talk abstractly about beauty and blindly chasing fashion; it is another to know that your youth and longevity depend on your waist, which you can lose by adding to your waist over the years.
If you think this information is useful, be sure to share it with friends on social networks.
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