The skill of cooking homemade patties
The more popular the dish, the more options for its preparation there are. After all, each hostess tries to add something to the recipe, adapt it to their own culinary preferences. Therefore, even homemade cutlets in different kitchens are cooked differently.
And today, the editorial board will tell you, How to cook minced meatcakes in a pan According to the precepts of the famous blogger Olga Pappueva. 70-year-old woman is sure that her recipe cutlets are the most delicious, which means that you should cook just so and not otherwise.
How to cook patties in a pan Ingredients
“If you love it, feel free to add garlic, but for me these cutlets are enough.” Just look at the beauty, Olga Papsueva admires.
Be sure to try out this cooking method to make sure the blogger is telling the truth and it really is. best recipe for homemade cutlets.
And today, the editorial board will tell you, How to cook minced meatcakes in a pan According to the precepts of the famous blogger Olga Pappueva. 70-year-old woman is sure that her recipe cutlets are the most delicious, which means that you should cook just so and not otherwise.

How to cook patties in a pan Ingredients
- 1kg lean pork
- 2 chicken breasts
- 300g onions
- 150 ml of water
- loaf
- salt, pepper to taste
- Cut the meat in pieces, soak the bread in water.
- Through the meat grinder, first pass meat with onions, then bread, in this order.
- Mix the mince for 3 minutes. Perchy, salty and keep stirring for a few more minutes. From time to time, add mineral water in portions.
- When the mince becomes light and airy, start forming cutlets. Preliminarily, the surface for this was covered with breadcrumbs.
- With an ordinary spoon moistened in water, type mince and immediately form a smooth cutlet. Put it on the crackers and start the next one.
- Roast the patties on a heated pan in vegetable oil. Turn over when a crust forms. Do not forget to cover the pan with a lid at the end and hold on the fire for a couple more minutes.
- Airborne pottery Ready. Bon appetit!
“If you love it, feel free to add garlic, but for me these cutlets are enough.” Just look at the beauty, Olga Papsueva admires.
Be sure to try out this cooking method to make sure the blogger is telling the truth and it really is. best recipe for homemade cutlets.