What to do before your birthday

Birthday is a holiday that children look forward to, because they are waiting for gifts and mountains of attention. But with age, people increasingly cease to anticipate this day. All the thrill and delight disappear somewhere, leaving behind only scratching cats on the soul.

Editorial "Site" I wanted to know why so many people do this. I don't want to celebrate my birthday..

The gloomy mood of a person on the eve of his birthday can not but disturb his loved ones. Relatives try to lift the mood of their beloved family member in every possible way. To cope with this task, first of all, it is necessary to understand cause of such a condition.

  1. Psychological According to psychologists, on a birthday, a person subconsciously remembers his birth and, accordingly, feels fear. Not surprisingly, the process of birth is far from pleasant not only for the mother, but also for the child.

    It is for this reason that many of us on this day have a desire to hide from everyone, wrap ourselves in a blanket or just sleep. In addition, often does not do just sleepiness. In order to provide yourself with a rest from everyone, the body can suddenly be exposed to diseases that require bed rest.

How can we act to avoid such consequences? A few weeks before the X date, be especially attentive to your condition. A good night’s sleep, a minimum of stress, and maybe a couple of days off before the event – and the chance that a worsened state will pass you by will be halved.

Also help natural antidepressants (chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, berries), physical activity (the gym, dancing, bicycle), clean air, a warm bath and home aromatherapy.

Age awareness After 18, many people are afraid to grow up, as 30-year-olds seem old. However, at 30 we are usually upset by the onset of the fourth decade. But after 40 we realize that the most interesting is yet to come.

The thought “How old I am!” comes up when summing up the results, which, in the opinion of the person, are not good enough. If you are a lover of reflection, I suggest that on the eve of your birthday write down on one sheet all achievements and successes, and on the second - mistakes. The first leaf hang in a prominent place, but the second boldly tear, cut or burn. You'll be surprised how much relief you'll get.

Someone's not around. If someone dear to you for some reason (probably respectful) can not share with you the celebration, turn on empathy and put yourself in his place. Just take that fact for granted. Don’t let your current and imminent circumstances ruin your special day.

After all, people have every right to make their own decisions. In addition, you can simply move the celebration to a more suitable day for everyone or arrange a second birthday. Isn’t that a great way to keep enjoying yourself?

"It's not going to be how I want it to be." So that such a destructive thought does not look into your head, you need to love yourself and be honest with yourself. In a calm environment, think about what you really want and what can make you happier. It is important to listen to the inner voice.

Do you really want to cook, host guests, and get together at work? Maybe you really want to celebrate your birthday by the riverside with a picnic. Even if you just want to sleep well without getting out of bed all day, you have the right to. Do not follow traditions and take responsibility for your desires, because this is primarily your task.

If you recognize yourself or someone close to you in the above, now you know how to act. Surround yourself with care and love every day, be sensitive to yourself and take into account everything that your body and soul tells you. In this case, every holiday, like any other day, will be special and bright. What do you think? perfect birthday?


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