What to turn a jar of condensed nuts and a handful of nuts
The Eighth of March is approaching, which means that men are in active mode looking for gifts for their beloved women.
And what could be better than to prepare a sweet surprise prepared with your own hands for your beloved for the holiday?
Editorial "Site" I just made a wonderful one. caramel-cake with nut stuffing for this occasion.
Even if you are not a master in pastry, do not be afraid to try to create this rosy miracle. We have detailed each step of preparation, so you will definitely succeed.
Just take note of a short list of ingredients and start a trial.
Caramel cake Ingredients for dough
Filling ingredients
That's it, as promised: minimal ingredients and effort. But tasting will bring maximum pleasure.
We guarantee that from such a gesture your lady of heart will be absolutely delighted!
And what could be better than to prepare a sweet surprise prepared with your own hands for your beloved for the holiday?
Editorial "Site" I just made a wonderful one. caramel-cake with nut stuffing for this occasion.

Even if you are not a master in pastry, do not be afraid to try to create this rosy miracle. We have detailed each step of preparation, so you will definitely succeed.
Just take note of a short list of ingredients and start a trial.
Caramel cake Ingredients for dough
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp flour
- 150g butter
- 2 tbsp sugar
Filling ingredients
- 250g nuts
- 400g boiled condensed
- The first step is to get the oil out of the refrigerator for a few minutes to make it softer and more pliable. Then you can start making the cake. Take a big deep bowl, put softened butter in it, infuse the eggs and add sugar. With clean hands, rub all the ingredients into a homogeneous crumb.
- Add flour to the bowl and mix the soft dough.
- Next, take the form for baking, lubricate it a little with butter and evenly distribute the dough over it. If you use a special form for tart - cut the excess dough that goes over the sides. If at hand there is only the usual detachable form for baking biscuits, then the sides will have to form independently. Try to make them up to 3 centimeters high.
- As soon as you deal with the formation of the sides, take up the preparation of the filling. Chop the nuts into a big crumb and mix with condensed. Caramel-nut mixture immediately pour on the dough.
- Now, heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the cake into it for 20-25 minutes until it is rosy. In the end, we just have to wait until nut-fill It will cool, and cut it into portion pieces.
That's it, as promised: minimal ingredients and effort. But tasting will bring maximum pleasure.
We guarantee that from such a gesture your lady of heart will be absolutely delighted!