What if the seller insists on payment for furniture

You can't easily catch a fish out of a pond. Our people are distinguished by exceptional hard work and intelligence. But some people are trying too hard. Especially those who want to sell their apartment. The scheme is simple: we make inexpensive repairs and arrange more old furniture.

To look chic, leave things that were considered a luxury 50 years ago. Then, inexpensive cosmetic repairs are carried out, and the cost of the apartment increases exponentially. Now it is not just Khrushchev, but a museum of exhibits of Soviet furniture of the USSR.

In search of a new apartment, anyone can get into this situation. If you want to buy a house without old junk, you need to be able to insist on your own and politely refuse. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what to do when the seller insists on additional payment for furniture. Buy an apartment, not old things and services for repairs.

Of course, if the furniture is good and everything suits you, you can negotiate. Or buy a couple of copies. Otherwise, you have the right to completely refuse payment. You buy an apartment, the price depends on square meters, not on the contents of the housing.

You are looking for an apartment and finally come across an option that suits everything: location, layout, price. But on viewing it turns out that the house is full of old furniture, which is not in a hurry to get rid of. If you really like the apartment, you should go to meet and offer help with the removal of things. It will be easier to negotiate if you initiate a compromise first.

There may also be a situation when the seller will put pressure on the fact that you can profitably. sell off. Like he's giving you everything for a ridiculous price. The question immediately arises: what is the benefit? Most likely, the owners do not want to do old things: it is easier to sell with an apartment, increasing the price of housing. It is better not to be so generous and say that you plan to make repairs and buy everything yourself. After all, in a new house, I want to start with a clean slate.

On the other hand, each party dictates its own terms. The seller can abandon the transaction and find other buyers. You can leave your number in case you change your mind. Or agree to pay a symbolic amount for furniture. But when asked too much, it is necessary to stand firm and not compromise principles.

Buying an apartment is a long-awaited and pleasant event in life. However, the process of finding housing is fraught with many pitfalls. In any case, we advise you not to rush and make deliberate decisions.

If you're buying an apartment, you have to. Know how to negotiate with the seller. But when it is difficult to build a dialogue, it is better to give up and look for other options. Everything that is yours will be easy. We wish that the process of acquiring a new house became simple and carefree, let you find a new cozy apartment. Good luck!


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