The smell will escape the whole entrance, the housewives stop frying chicken fillets, seeing this masterpiece
Chicken. cheese-roll I cook tomatoes on weekdays to diversify the menu. It is much tastier and healthier than any sausage or beef from the store. And most importantly, the preparation takes a minimum of time and effort. No need to fry anything, soar - just bake in the oven and enjoy the excellent result!
There's a little secret that makes homemade chicken roll perfect, and that's it. yogurt mustard sauce. It makes the meat truly tender and very juicy and perfectly complements the filling of tomatoes, cheese and greens.
Today's edition. "Site" Share the preparation instructions chicken-roll stuffed. The dish is not burdened with extra calories!
Chicken Roulettes with Cheese Ingredients
Advice A for vegetable lovers suggest to learn how to prepare eggplant rolls with garlic and spicy vegetable filling. The combination of all the ingredients is a real delight!
Chicken roulettes cheesey They come out tender, juicy and very aromatic. By the way, you can experiment with fillings.
Such rolls are great for the festive table and for sandwiches for children at school. Enjoy the recipe, the recipe is really great, you will not regret it!
There's a little secret that makes homemade chicken roll perfect, and that's it. yogurt mustard sauce. It makes the meat truly tender and very juicy and perfectly complements the filling of tomatoes, cheese and greens.
Today's edition. "Site" Share the preparation instructions chicken-roll stuffed. The dish is not burdened with extra calories!

Chicken Roulettes with Cheese Ingredients
- 3 chicken fillets
- 1 tbsp yogurt
- 1 tsp mustard
- 1-2 teeth. garlic
- 1 tomato (small)
- 150g cheese
- basil
- salt, pepper to taste
- Wash the chicken fillet, cut it in half and hit it with a hammer. Every piece of salti and pepperi.
- Mix the yogurt with mustard and a crushed clove of garlic. Grease one side of each piece of fillet with this sauce.
- Cut the tomato with slices and some salt. Half the cheese is also cut into slices, and the second half - sodium on the grater. Green onions and basil shallowly cut. I did not have them, so I cooked without greenery, but it definitely tastes better.
- On the edge of the meat fillet, lay out tomatoes, greens and cheese. Turn the meat into roulette.
- Lubricate the pan or form for baking with vegetable oil. Put the roulettes out. I still had room on the pond, so I baked more eggplant. Bake the rolls in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 25 minutes.
- Take the rolls out of the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 5 minutes. That's it, chickens. filler Ready. Bon appetit!
Advice A for vegetable lovers suggest to learn how to prepare eggplant rolls with garlic and spicy vegetable filling. The combination of all the ingredients is a real delight!
Chicken roulettes cheesey They come out tender, juicy and very aromatic. By the way, you can experiment with fillings.
Such rolls are great for the festive table and for sandwiches for children at school. Enjoy the recipe, the recipe is really great, you will not regret it!
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