I've never bought a stained cheesecake again! I cook with this recipe at home.

Many people know that pour-cheese You can cook at home, but laziness, lack of time or simply unwillingness to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen deprives many of the opportunity to try something really tasty. Of course, it's much easier to go to the supermarket and pick up the processed cheese on the counter.

However, not everything is so smooth: like the date of manufacture is recent, and the smell is not bad, but you bite off a piece - where there is to homemade cheese! Two completely different products! And what taste, what aroma cheese cooked at home... Do not be lazy and you will know what a real processed cheese should be!

Homemade melted cheese

The ingredients
  • 0.5 kg cottage cheese
  • 1 tsp soda
  • salt, spices, greens (to taste)

  1. Pour cottage cheese and soda into a small pan and put it on a water bath.

  2. Cut the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps and that it mixes well with soda.

  3. When the cottage cheese gradually begins to melt and become homogeneous - constantly stir it so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Keep cottage cheese on the fire until it is completely liquid and it will not pass the characteristic sour smell.

  4. When cottage cheese turns into a dense liquid of milk color, then, without removing cheese from the water bath, add salt, spices and greens to taste.
  5. Hold on the fire for another 10 minutes, and then pour into a mold to freeze and move to the refrigerator.

This cheese is stored like cottage cheese, about 5 days.

Homemade processed cheese is really worth enjoying its excellent taste at least once in your life. If your friends appreciate healthy eating, share this recipe with them!


See also

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