Learned to marinate chicken legs so that guests ask for supplements, barely having time to finish the first portion

It's marinade For the chicken, no exaggeration! Everything is prepared relatively easily and quickly, and the result exceeds all expectations. Chicken shins in this marinade after baking in the oven acquire a stunning crust, and the meat itself comes out juicy and fragrant.

Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how marinate in a package so that guests trample 2 portions. Perfectly matched spices!

Best marinade for chicken ingredients
  • 16 chicken shins
  • 0.5 tbsp shallot
  • 0.25 tbsp finely sliced ginger
  • 0.7 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tbsp red vinegar
  • 1 tbsp apricot jam

  1. To start, grind a shallot with a knife. Peel and also cut the ginger finely. Sprinkle it in the pot.

  2. For 5 minutes, roast the onions and ginger until soft and golden on a small heat. Pour vinegar, and after 2 minutes, soy sauce and apricot jam. Sprinkle, perch and boil about 10 minutes to a homogeneous mass.

  3. Wash in advance and dry the chicken legs. You'll also need a zip bag. Pour the marinade bag and add the tibia. Close the bag and shake it well so that the marinade is evenly distributed on the chicken legs. Leave it for 5-10 minutes.

  4. Put the legs in a baking form (or pan), lined with foil. Pour chicken legs to the remaining marinade.

  5. Bake in a preheated to 180-200 degrees oven for 35 minutes. 5 minutes before ready, if desired, you can turn on the top grill in the oven. It will create. golden-crust The chicken. If possible, before this step, water the legs with marinade.

  6. That's it, chicken-legs in the marinade ready. Serve them to young potatoes with dill or rice. Bon appetit!

I also suggest reading the instructions for cooking chicken wings according to the recipe of talented chef Haim Cohen. Unique taste!

And also, dear reader, if you decide to bake chicken legs on the festive table. They will just look great on your table, plus everyone loves this part of the chicken, so take the legs and marinate in this way. This recipe will not leave you indifferent. The chicken is delicious!

In my opinion, this is the best poultry. I would be very grateful if you would share with us your favorite marinade for chicken legs in the comments!


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