For the first time cooked strawberries with basil, the jar was eaten in a day, from now on this is my favorite recipe.

Cooking jam is a type of meditation familiar to every hostess. Perhaps the most delicious strawberry jam I cooked according to the recipe of Eugene Klopotenko.

Ukrainian chef and winner of the TV show “MasterChef-5” advises to add to the jam basilAs these ingredients perfectly emphasize the taste of berries.

Today's edition. "Site" Share the preparation instructions strawberry jam from Yevgeny Klopotenko. I ate a jar in a day, now it's my favorite recipe.

Delicious strawberry jam Ingredients
  • 1kg strawberries
  • 20g basilica
  • 100 ml of water
  • 20g vanilla sugar
  • 500g sugar

  1. Wash the strawberries well under running water, and then clean the ponytails. Before cooking jam, the maestro recommends it to taste. Rotten and tasteless berries are not recommended to use, as they can cause the jam to ferment.

  2. To sweet strawberries, we add 500 grams of sugar, to more acidic - 600. Less than 0.5 kg of sugar should not be used. Add sugar to the strawberries and let it stand for half an hour so that the berries let out the juice.

  3. Move it. strawberry into the pot. Pour some water to keep the jam from burning. Bring the jam to a boil, then boil it on an average heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.

  4. Wash the basil and add it to the pan to the jam. Put some vanilla sugar in there. Constantly stirring, boil for another 1-2 minutes.

  5. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars and close the lids. Bon appetit!

I also suggest getting acquainted with the impeccable technique of cooking candies from fresh strawberries. The result is amazing!

I really like this recipe for its simplicity and at the same time uniqueness, because ordinary strawberry jam now no surprise, but with basil - quite. By the way, if you add vinegar to this strawberry mass and boil a couple of minutes, then an excellent berry sauce for meat will come out.

I also really like it. strawberry with mint or cloves. It's not trivial. You can also add a little citric acid at the end of cooking, it makes jam thicker.

What's the best taste? strawberry Did you eat? I would love to share the recipe with us in the comments!


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