I can't get away from a weak man, every time I look for excuses.

How to get away from a weak man with whom there is no future, and protect yourself from dating similar characters after a breakup? That’s what I suggest we talk about today. And before that we share a story from the life of our reader Alena, who knows what it is like to live with a weak man.

Ten years of my life I wasted on a man who was not worth it. For ten years she suffered humiliation from a man whom she raised on a pedestal and equated with God. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. It took me ten years to realize one simple truth: it is better to live alone than with a weak man pretending to be strong.

We were not married, but nine out of ten years lived under the same roof. We even had time to have a child, the care of which, of course, completely fell on my shoulders after the breakup of the relationship. However, to leave his son and not interfere in his upbringing is perhaps the best thing this man could do.

I had to solve all the financial issues myself. If we did not have enough money, my lover reproached me that I am a spender and do not know how to spend money wisely. I was guilty of accepting and going for a second job while he was spending his salary on online gambling and bar buddies.

Strangely enough, I was wearing it too. And, most amazingly, it even suited me. My man said that I was a woman, and therefore I should keep the family hearth, and I unquestioningly followed its rules.

Over time, I found that from a beautiful woman turned into a pale and perpetually anxious creature who only knows that you need to go to work, feed your son, wash your husband’s things.

At the moment of realizing what I had spent ten years of my life on, I became wildly afraid that the same amount of time would pass and nothing would change. That’s when I started trying to change things. But no talk helped. And in the end, the only way out was to break up, which I did.

Someone takes a month to talk to a man like my ex to realize that this person is not capable of making a woman happy. One dialogue is enough for someone. It took me a lot longer.

Now, more than ever, I am confident that I will not step on the same rake again. This experience has helped me become a woman who knows what is worth and will never give in to her interests. I’ve finally become a woman I’m really proud of. So thank you, honey, for the priceless lessons and goodbye.

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? And if so, how did you get out of them? We will be grateful if you share your experience in the comments!


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