My father pampered me for 18 years only to kick me out one day.

In one city lived a girl Nastya. And everyone considered her a true mistress of fate. Nastya's father had enough. businessmanrelated to shopping and commerce. The girl didn't deny herself anything. Dad blew the dust off his beloved daughter. They lived in a beautiful big house, where Nastya had the most girly room. With a soft bed, a bunch of toys, stylish furniture. It seemed Everyone envied her. Who could have.

Difficult fate sometimes happens to women. They have to deal with all the difficulties that life throws at them. And keep walking with your head held high. Their fragile shoulders sometimes shudder at all the injustice of being, but women keep going. And, despite everything, come out of the situation winners.

And then suddenly, Dad kicked his daughter out of the house! And when the residents of the town learned about what happened, they immediately picked up this topic and began to think in full. What could have happened since 18-year-old Nastana was kicked out of the house? Did she do something serious? Or maybe he is waiting for a baby from whom? For some time, the city just stood on ears, and Nastya completely disappeared from view.

But recently, not only her small town, but also many media outlets spoke about Anastasia again. They talked about the girl as the owner of her own business. She created beautiful handbags and slowly conquered the world of business. Anastasia agreed to share with everyone how difficult fate helped her climb and find true happiness.

The girl did not have difficult times for Mom, because she passed away when Nastenka was only 3 years old. The disease came so suddenly that nothing could be done. Anastasia's father was desperate when he was left alone with the baby in his arms, and as soon as he could, he immediately returned to work. He thought it was the right thing to do. The girl grew up, and Dad tried to give her everything. That's all I can do. Surrounded by attention, love, care. But sometimes you can overdo it, and the child will grow up too spoiled.

Unfortunately, that happened to Nastya as well. While she was small, her rooms simply drowned in a sea of dolls, soft toys, bright dresses and sweets. But the girl grew, and with her growing needs. Managing a teenager was much more difficult, and Nastya's dad was simple. "Buying away from my own child".

The girl herself believes that the last straw was a very shameful incident for her. “I was 18, but I wasn’t thinking about my studies, or myself, or my dad. I came home in the morning barely alive. My friends and I were vacationing at a club, but suddenly I ran out of money, so I wanted to go home to ask my dad for more. Near the club I couldn’t stand my feet and fell. Broke my knees and the expensive phone my dad gave me. And in that state, he saw me at home when I could barely mention anything about money and went straight to the ladies' room. I was very ill after the drunken drinks.”

The girl sincerely admitted that the next morning she was waiting for the next instructive lecture from the pope and a quick reconciliation. It's just that it's always been that way, and she decided that this time her father would do the same. He was always kind to her. But Anastasia's father's patience ran out.

“Dad looked incredibly formidable that morning. I felt like a second and I would just fall through the ground. He was already suspiciously silent. I went to the fridge to get some food. I tried to smooth it out and asked if Dad would make me some coffee. But he didn't even talk to me. Just grabbed his hand and took him to the living room. There was only one suitcase in there.”

Nastya was horrified when she found out that her father was kicking her out of the house. The man said that the daughter will live in the old house of her deceased grandmother. This one lodgeNot far from the town where Nastya and Dad lived. In the suitcase there were few clothes, minimal money for groceries, books. Nothing else. Nastya was put in a car and sent to the village. At the time, it seemed like a betrayal to the girl.

The current businesswoman told reporters: All the way to my grandmother’s house I cried. I felt like my father had betrayed me. That he doesn't love me and never did, since he sent me into this exile. I was very angry with him and thought I would never forgive him. And in this poor shack, I'll be starving. I didn't know how to cook.

Grandma's house was very small compared to Anastasia's. The girl went inside and was amazed that everything inside was in place. Furniture, machinery. Only dusty, but in general you can live. However, resentment against her father prevented her from doing anything. She kept crying and being offended. Only after a while did hunger remind her that it was time to eat.

Now Anastasia laughs back at the time: I used to buy food or cook it. There was food in the house, but I made something terrible out of it. Some strange mixture of flour, milk, eggs and an abundance of butter. It was supposed to be pancakes, and it turned out something disgusting.”

Nastya said that at first she just drank milk and ate bread. The next day she tried to make soup. She thought it was easy, because the soup is hot water and a little cereal. She even tried to make a roast for the soup, but after a couple of moments ran outside with a terribly smoking pan in her hands.

A smile of good luck This was noticed by a passing young man and helped Nastya put out the pan. He laughed and asked what he was cooking. When I heard the soup story, I laughed even more. At first, Anastasia was offended, but the guy who introduced himself as Andrei, offered with cooking. He worked at a local restaurant, so making soup was no problem.

It was at that moment that Nastya realized that not everything was so bad. She tried cooking, cleaned the house, read books. Her food was not perfect, but it got better every time. Andrei often called the girl for walks, gave cute trinkets and treated her to sweets. Life seems to be heading in the right direction.

Now, the successful businesswoman recalled with tears in her eyes, "If it weren't for Dad ..." I thought he was a traitor, because I didn’t understand how he could do this to his own daughter. But then when I first made the soup myself, when I cleaned the house. When she made her first purse. I didn't know how to sew before, but my grandmother found a sewing machine and some fabric. It was very interesting. I tried drawing handbags and then sewing them. And after a while, I began to succeed.”

After 2 months of exile, my father came to the village to see how I live. He was surprised and even cried with joy. Said he believed in me, believed I could pull myself together. He offered to go home, but I didn't want to.. I didn't want to leave Andrew. Andrey's favorite thing. I did it all by myself, but my dad helped me build my character. I thought I had a hard time, but it helped me. I conquered the top of the business and succeeded. Thank you, my beloved father.


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