I spend almost all my salary on my ex-wife and son, life has become unlovable.

“Nina and I divorced three years ago. When my ex-wife filed for alimony, I knew I had to support her and my son, so to this day, I give more money than I should. The problem is that all my salary ends up in the wallet of my ex-wife, says Vladimir. A man cannot convince his ex-wife to get a job. Because of this, although they are divorced, Vova has to give all honestly earned money. Is that fair?

When we divorced, I agreed to all the conditions, did not refuse to pay alimony. I love my son and I will take care of him, but my ex is overreaching. Despite the fact that I pay child support, and on top of that give money for mugs and clothes, Nina says that it is normal, and it should be.

And she herself, although she left the decree a long time ago, can not get a job. I don't think she's looking for a job. Why bother her when I'm providing for her and my son? Of course, Nina has a part-time job, and then she does household chores and her son. She recorded Nikita in karate, additional classes in English and swimming.

She's good, but I'm paying for all of this. Nina recently hired a tutor for Nikita. I just can't figure out why a kid in 4th grade needs a math tutor. Whether it's a baby mug or not, Nina doesn't consult me. She does everything as she sees fit. Yeah, the baby needs to develop, but Nina's sure I have to pay for everything.

I pay for tours, for clothes, I just got a phone. I don’t want to infringe on my son, but besides him, I have a car loan and personal expenses. I know things are expensive right now, but my wife could help me a little. And she tells me she's raising her son instead of having a private life.

This can't go on forever. Other husbands pay only alimony and do not participate in the lives of children at all. Yeah, I cheated on her, and we got divorced right away, and I feel guilty. But I can't do that and I'm asking Nina to come to her senses and find a permanent job so she can take care of herself and her son. Because I feel like I'm not divorced at all, just living apart.”

Children are never to blame for their parents’ divorce, although they suffer the most. When one parent fails, and the other thinks only about how to arrange a personal life, the child is left out of business. Former spouses should visit a family psychologist who will help resolve the conflict. And while Vladimir fully supports his ex-wife, she does not need to get a job. Maybe it's time to pay child support? Then it is not a fact that the child will continue to attend tutors and paid sections.


See also

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