The couple noticed on the wrist of the waitress unusual tattoo, they did not regret the tip

Not all people decorate their body with tattoos, putting some meaning into the drawing. So do not ask every friend what it means to have a tattoo on the right hand or under the left knee. Today we will tell the story of how mindfulness and empathy affect a person.

Tattooing is a way of expressing yourself in society. Also, drawing on the body can be a reminder of an important event in life. These events are not always joyful, but they are what make us who we are.

A month ago, my husband and I decided to relax, take a break from the home routine and go to a restaurant. We don't spend much time together. I stay home with my kids all the time, and my husband goes to work late. When I asked my husband to spend the day alone, he happily agreed. So we sent the children to the grandmother, and we went to the restaurant, says Katya.

We pre-ordered a table at a cozy restaurant nearby. When we arrived, a pretty girl met us and led us to our table. The waitress took our order. While she was writing in her notebook, we noticed a strange tattoo on her wrist. There was a semicolon on the hand. I've never seen a tattoo like this, and my husband told me something about it.

The semicolon is a reminder that a person has overcome addiction, depression, or another mental disorder. Each of these people wanted to leave life, but found the strength to live on. So when my husband saw the tattoo, he was very emotional. And after he told me, I wanted to do something nice for this girl.

My husband decided to tip 25% of the order, and I wrote a note for the waitress. We wanted to support the girl at least a little, and when she came, we thanked her for the quality service. Not everyone has the courage to start a clean slate, but this girl did.”

After the guests left, the waitress counted the tip and cried after reading the note. Every day is a test for her. In a world where positive emotions are not so much, a kind word from strangers in a restaurant is a treasure. In a note, Katya wrote: We know the meaning of your tattoo and admire the strength of spirit. Thank you for a wonderful evening and a sincere smile, let there be as many reasons to smile as possible.

Life Wisdom and Editorial Advice There is a catastrophic lack of good in the world. Because everyone cares only about their own well-being. By indulging our own whims, we often hurt the feelings of others. In anger, we can say too much to friends, relatives, acquaintances. And then when the anger subsides, we apologize. Wouldn’t it be better to pay attention to those around us?

Doing good without demanding anything in return is the art of sincere people, attentive and sensitive to other people’s grief. We will never know what a passerby, cashier, waiter, or businessman is going through. But start to pay a little more attention to detail, and everything falls into place. If you can do something good, do it. Sometimes a good word heals the soul, saves the life. Don't be indifferent.


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