What gave the world the music of Igor Talkov

The soul tracks of Igor Talkov are still alive, although the musician died in 1991. The mysterious death of the unwelcome singer caused a resonance in society. Not everyone knows this story. But today everyone should know it. Because of whom the famous Soviet rocker lost his life, read further in the article.

Instagram / @petr_mamonov_life Igor Talkov’s tracks became famous thanks to David Tukhmanov’s song “Clean Ponds”. For the first time he performed it at the famous festival “Song of the Year”. So began the thorny path of not the most trivial for his time musician. The singer wrote different songs, which in their totality can not be attributed to any one genre. Therefore, Talkov was called both a rocker and a bard.

The love of music in Igor was born in childhood. He devoted a lot of time to self-education, because he did not like the system of teaching in Soviet educational institutions. Talkov soon became a multi-instrumentalist. He knew how to play the guitar, piano, bass guitar, drums, violin and accordion.

The musician was gifted with absolute hearing, thanks to which he could play any melody from the first audition. Igor performed in various musical groups. However, he really became famous when he became a solo artist.

Over the years of his career, Talkov wrote more than 200 compositions. And his first serious work, he considered the ballad about the fate of man in the world “Share”. People’s lives really excited the musician. He knew that such injustice was firsthand, since his parents were considered traitors to the homeland by the Soviet Union.

The political position of the musician Igor Talkov is far from the only thing that the musician remembered. He was attracted to the study of history. The singer strongly opposed the current government, which manifested itself in different ways. For example, in 1975 he openly opposed the policies of Leonid Brezhnev.

Instagram / @ksuschasabor Once the Soviet poet Anatoly Chepurov offered Talkov cooperation. The writer wanted the musician to put his poems to music. However, Igor refused, because it contradicted his political beliefs. Thanks to the stage, the singer could convey his ideas to the masses, which were at odds with the policy of the USSR.

To study the history of Talkov approached with all seriousness. He studied not only available information, but also archival data. All this became the basis for writing new important songs. So, for example, there was an acutely social composition called “Russia”.

In his work, Igor called on the people to repent for all the sins committed during the 1917 revolution. He believed that the government completely eradicated the Orthodox faith. And she, in his opinion, served as the main support of the Russian people. The revolution has divided people forever. The most important sections of the population were simply destroyed. These are both creative intellectuals and well-to-do peasant workers.

Igor Talkov understood that sooner or later the state will decide to get rid of him. Perhaps that’s why he wasn’t afraid to tell his audience the truth. He wanted to do everything possible to convey his position to people. In addition, the musician believed that people are more willing to listen to poets, not politicians.

In 1983, the singer predicted what would happen to him. Then during the flight together with the group he got into a storm cloud. Passengers feared the plane would crash. But Talkov was unwavering. “Do not be afraid. As long as you're with me, everything will be fine. I'll be gone for another reason. And the culprit of this event will not be found, Igor said.

Instagram / @igor_talkov_narod After that, Talkov wrote the song "I'll be back." Fans of the musician called the track his spiritual testament.

Talkov passed away in 1991 during a concert at the Jubilee Sports Palace. The musician received a bullet wound incompatible with life. It is still unclear exactly how this happened and who was responsible for Talkov’s death. Before Igor’s speech, there was a fight near his dressing room. Many experts believe that this was only a provocation created to get rid of the singer.

Igor Talkov really predicted his death. I think it was beneficial to the state, which wanted to take away the right to vote from the artist. Interestingly, today there are musicians in Russia who do not agree with the current regime. So far, repression has been limited to banning their creative activities. However, it is not difficult to imagine where all this may come in the future. You and I know that history is cyclical.

I wonder what you think of this story? Are you familiar with Talkov’s work?


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