I urge the bride to learn how to cook, otherwise the upcoming wedding will have to be canceled.
Women were once completely dependent on men. They married and moved to their husband’s house, became housewives and mothers. Previously, there was no question of women’s education and that a woman could work on an equal basis with a man. Today, women’s lives depend on themselves. A modern woman no longer wants to marry because she has to become a wife at a certain age, and does not sit idle if she dreams of a career.
Alas, men are raised with the same patriarchal attitudes to this day. So many of them consider the ideal woman who does not move away from the stove. Even at a young age, a girl can do anything for her beloved. But when a woman is over 40, she knows exactly what she wants from life and what she will not do for a man.
After 40 years, a single woman will not seek compromise with a man who offers her to marry him. In most cases, middle-aged people get used to living alone and don’t want to build relationships. Someone was already married or married, and someone did not understand the meaning of cohabitation with the same egoist as himself. But people do meet, and it’s no secret that each partner sees their relationship differently. A man at any age believes that a woman always wants to get married. Therefore, it may be perplexing that an adult woman gives up her “direct duties.”
Peels "I'm 46 years old." I'm divorced, dating a girl. She is 42 years old and looks 35, Marina has a beautiful toned figure, despite the fact that she also raised a daughter. Marina is divorced, like me, and lives alone. She's a gorgeous woman, but there's one thing. So far, we've been dating at my house and her. But I really like her, and I want to develop relationships, says Oleg.
The fact is that Marina hates cooking. When we're at home, I always offer salad or I can make sandwiches. In the freezer, I have on duty frozen dumplings and pizza. And Marina has a ball at home. She has breakfast with boiled eggs and supper with yogurt. Marina orders home delivery once a week.
The reason for this hatred of cooking in Marina due to the fact that her daughter is allergic, and 17 years Marina was forced to constantly cook separately for her daughter while she was married. Now she does not even fit the stove, and in her new apartment she does not even have an oven.
Peels I don't mind ordering delivery once a week, but I'm looking forward to a shared future and want homemade meals, I'm a man. It is natural to want home comfort and care from your beloved woman. I can cook eggs and make sandwiches, but I can’t cook. I have tried several times to talk to my woman about cooking, but she doesn’t want to listen to me. Everything else is just perfect, I've been looking for the ring to propose to her. Is there a chance to fix the situation? ?
To love a person is to accept all his sides and not to try to change him. For some reason, some men believe that for the sake of love, a woman will sacrifice her principles and make concessions. Like, she has principles, nothing, she will change her mind. The truth is that relationships are built on mutual respect and acceptance of a person as they are. If Marina doesn't want to cook, she won't. And, most likely, will stop dating Oleg, who wants homemade food. Or maybe he wants years of home comfort, not sincere love, and does not marry Marina, but imaginary cutlets?
There are always options for solving a problem, and one should not remake a person and try to impose their principles and values on him. If Oleg does not know how to cook, it is in his hands to change everything and go to culinary courses. You can always order food delivery to the house or just continue to eat semi-finished products, which Oleg eats now. How would you advise him to solve his dilemma?
Alas, men are raised with the same patriarchal attitudes to this day. So many of them consider the ideal woman who does not move away from the stove. Even at a young age, a girl can do anything for her beloved. But when a woman is over 40, she knows exactly what she wants from life and what she will not do for a man.

After 40 years, a single woman will not seek compromise with a man who offers her to marry him. In most cases, middle-aged people get used to living alone and don’t want to build relationships. Someone was already married or married, and someone did not understand the meaning of cohabitation with the same egoist as himself. But people do meet, and it’s no secret that each partner sees their relationship differently. A man at any age believes that a woman always wants to get married. Therefore, it may be perplexing that an adult woman gives up her “direct duties.”

Peels "I'm 46 years old." I'm divorced, dating a girl. She is 42 years old and looks 35, Marina has a beautiful toned figure, despite the fact that she also raised a daughter. Marina is divorced, like me, and lives alone. She's a gorgeous woman, but there's one thing. So far, we've been dating at my house and her. But I really like her, and I want to develop relationships, says Oleg.

The fact is that Marina hates cooking. When we're at home, I always offer salad or I can make sandwiches. In the freezer, I have on duty frozen dumplings and pizza. And Marina has a ball at home. She has breakfast with boiled eggs and supper with yogurt. Marina orders home delivery once a week.

The reason for this hatred of cooking in Marina due to the fact that her daughter is allergic, and 17 years Marina was forced to constantly cook separately for her daughter while she was married. Now she does not even fit the stove, and in her new apartment she does not even have an oven.

Peels I don't mind ordering delivery once a week, but I'm looking forward to a shared future and want homemade meals, I'm a man. It is natural to want home comfort and care from your beloved woman. I can cook eggs and make sandwiches, but I can’t cook. I have tried several times to talk to my woman about cooking, but she doesn’t want to listen to me. Everything else is just perfect, I've been looking for the ring to propose to her. Is there a chance to fix the situation? ?

To love a person is to accept all his sides and not to try to change him. For some reason, some men believe that for the sake of love, a woman will sacrifice her principles and make concessions. Like, she has principles, nothing, she will change her mind. The truth is that relationships are built on mutual respect and acceptance of a person as they are. If Marina doesn't want to cook, she won't. And, most likely, will stop dating Oleg, who wants homemade food. Or maybe he wants years of home comfort, not sincere love, and does not marry Marina, but imaginary cutlets?
There are always options for solving a problem, and one should not remake a person and try to impose their principles and values on him. If Oleg does not know how to cook, it is in his hands to change everything and go to culinary courses. You can always order food delivery to the house or just continue to eat semi-finished products, which Oleg eats now. How would you advise him to solve his dilemma?
With my data, you could shine at beauty contests, and I'm alone at 40.
To bring peace closer, each person must take care of peace in his soul, here is how to do it.