I don’t freeze or cook strawberries, I have my own way of keeping them fresh all year.
Strawberry season is about to begin. In the midst of it, of course, you want to eat more, but human possibilities are limited. Therefore, the question arises how to store strawberries to maximize this season. You can make jam or freeze, but you know about these methods without us. We want to tell you how to store strawberries without cooking and freezing.
Today's edition. "Site" How to keep strawberries fresh all year.
How to store strawberry ingredients
Here is a video where you can watch the cooking process.
It turns out a very tasty blank, which is stored for a long time, and in quality excellent. Real live jam! Just don't play with cooking. We've been doing that for the last few years. Then we weave berries all winter. They can be eaten and sent to compote. But most of all, I like to get a jar of strawberries in the middle of winter and make homemade dumplings with berries. It's definitely summer in the cold!
No more problems with how to store strawberries. By the way, you can harvest any berries. The essence of the process is the same, the result is always excellent. What winter preparations do you make?

Today's edition. "Site" How to keep strawberries fresh all year.
How to store strawberry ingredients
- 3kg strawberries
- 3kg of sugar
- Before harvesting, you need to take into account an important point: berries should be fresh. Otherwise, the taste will be ruined. Place the strawberries in a large container and pour cold water for 10 minutes. Then wash well under running water.
- Next, you need to carefully clean the berries, get rid of the roots. If you come across large fruits, you can cut. Then take sugar and strawberries in a ratio of 1: 1. At the bottom of a large bowl, pour a little sugar, then a layer of strawberries. So we sprinkle all the berries. We leave some sugar, we'll need it later.
- Leave strawberries for 3 hours. During this time, we stir several times. Strawberries will release the juice, and the sugar will dissolve a little.
- In the meantime, prepare small jars. They must be clean and dry. You can sterilize them just in case. Pour strawberries into jars almost to the top, leaving a little space. In the video below you can see the process.
YouTube - In the remaining space, pour the remaining sugar. Roll up the cans. They can be stored in the refrigerator all year. Berries do not lose taste and aroma.
Here is a video where you can watch the cooking process.
It turns out a very tasty blank, which is stored for a long time, and in quality excellent. Real live jam! Just don't play with cooking. We've been doing that for the last few years. Then we weave berries all winter. They can be eaten and sent to compote. But most of all, I like to get a jar of strawberries in the middle of winter and make homemade dumplings with berries. It's definitely summer in the cold!
No more problems with how to store strawberries. By the way, you can harvest any berries. The essence of the process is the same, the result is always excellent. What winter preparations do you make?
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