On the doorstep of the house stood a stranger with a baby in his arms, claiming that it was his son, he did not understand how this was possible.

When a stranger appears on the threshold of your apartment with a baby in his arms and claims that he is yours, you can understand the violent reaction of visiting relatives. How is that? You just proposed to Oksana! Shame and shame! What were you thinking? And in the first minutes of the appearance of an unexpected guest, it does not matter where the truth is. And the error will undoubtedly spoil the relationship with both relatives and the bride.

This day was supposed to be the happiest for Oleg, because he decided to propose to his girlfriend Oksana. In the evening, at dinner by candlelight, he heard the cherished “yes” and the next day informed the whole family.

Oleg's relatives on this occasion decided to arrange a real feast. Mother and father, uncles and aunts. Everyone decided to take part in the celebration of such a wonderful event. Oksana was already like a native for them. And the fact that their Olezhek had not yet married such a charming girl led them only to bewilderment.

Peels Lunch was just amazing. Each guest brought something delicious. The table was filled with all sorts of dishes. And while one of the relatives was toasting about the upcoming family life, someone rang the doorbell.

An unexpected visit by Oleg went to see who came. He opened the door and saw a young woman on the doorstep. In her arms she held a weighty bundle, which did not stop pumping even during the conversation.

Peels – Yes? – asked Oleg. - Can I help you?

- Will you let me in or what? asked the stranger. - I'm tired of holding him.

- Sweetie, who's there? came from behind Oksana and saw a guest. - Who are you?

- I am the mother of his son, a woman pointedly raised the package. - Thought I wouldn't find you? Did you think that just “rested” one night and you can forget about everything? Fuck you! We will be responsible for the consequences together!

The woman spoke so loudly that all the remaining relatives pulled up into the corridor. At first, they were outraged that some clearly not local woman begins to swing rights and demand something from their Oleg. They even began to drive her away, but she commanded her to listen.

Truth and Delusion: I don’t want conflict, but I have to say it. This man was driving through my town 11 months ago. We met in a cafe and then briefly got together. I got pregnant and he's gone. Then I found out through his friends where he lives and came here. Here we go. Someone has to answer for their actions.

Long high-profile proceedings began. The child was constantly crying, and a stranger at the same time rocked him and loudly defended his story. Oleg couldn't even put a word in. Yes, he was in that town 11 months ago on a business trip. But he never met that woman. And I wouldn't want to date, really.

- She's not even my type!' Oleg shouted as his relatives questioned him. - Wait, I remember!

- What did I say?! the woman cried. - I admit it!

- You drank at the counter with Costick, my colleague. I saw you walk away and stagger. And then he mentioned to me about some “stormy adventures”, and I did not even pay attention. I just remember that the next day in the car from him was a terrible blow.

Peels - Come on, a stranger looked at him surprised. - I thought I saw you.

- No way, yeah! This is Kostik, your son's father. What you saw in your darkened mind, I don’t know. So go to him, here's the address. If anything, I'll pay you for a DNA test. Just get out of here.

- All right. Goodbye, the quiet woman came out and the apartments, and all the people around sighed with relief.

The pale Oksana left this case for a long time. After all, while the unknown painted the imaginary betrayal of Oleg, she has already regretted her consent a thousand times. But the goodness of the charges was only a rash slander.

- What are you doing here? asked Oleg.

- It's okay, said Oksana. - I'm so glad you're not drinking. How do I know you’re with this squirrel... It's got goosebumps.

And at that time, I heard at the table:

- No, well, it's a great story for toast for 5 years ahead!

Peels Life Wisdom: What Does This Story Teach Us? Sometimes it's hard to figure things out. And where the truth and error actually becomes clear far from immediately. What does this story teach? Perhaps, the fact that a healthy lifestyle will protect not only from unwanted health problems, but also from unwanted acquaintances.


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