How to choose a gold chain as a gift to a man

The chain is a classic men’s jewelry, which has long been considered a sign of the status and financial well-being of its owner. Today, the greatest demand are gold products, which are characterized by an attractive appearance and durability. If it was decided to give your beloved man a golden chain, then you must familiarize yourself in advance with all the features and rules of its choice.

What the choice depends on
In the process of choosing a golden male chain as a gift, first of all, it is necessary to rely on the style of the man’s clothes and the circumstances of wearing. At the same time, the cost of the product should correspond to the cost of clothes that a man wears most often. If this is a strict expensive suit, then the decoration should ideally be thick and long.


Choosing metal, you should also rely on the style of clothing:
  • A bright gold chain will be a great gift for a man who prefers colorful clothes (it is not necessary that his wardrobe items were bright).
  • White gold is considered a universal option – such a chain can be appropriately combined with any clothing.
  • The chain of rose gold will appeal to the connoisseur of informal styles.
Pay attention to products made of white or yellow gold. The main advantages of these metals are versatility, durability, and resistance to corrosion.
Types of weaving and product quality
In terms of performance, men's gold chains are less diverse than women's. They differ in the minimum number or complete absence of various decorative elements, elementary and simple weaving. Recently, jewelry with bismarck weaving, where the links are connected to each other at a certain angle, is popular. The conciseness and the minimum number of additional elements are also characteristic of the weaves “shell” and “rhombus”. If you want to give a man an unoriginal gold chain, then you should pay attention to products with the weaving “Byzantine”.
Choosing a chain as a gift, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance of jewelry, but also to its quality. To check the quality of the attachments, the chain must be placed between the fingers and slightly stretch it. It is also necessary to check the compounds, which must be identical in shape and size.

Men's chain can be made in two ways: manual and machine. Handmade jewelry is characterized by high durability, since all links in it are carefully honed by the master. However, jewelry created by machining can also boast high quality and reliability, because technologies in this area are rapidly developing. Here, the choice largely depends on the personal preferences of the buyer.
Useful recommendations
Choosing a male gold chain as a gift is necessary based on the man’s physique, his style of clothing and individual preferences. Despite this, experts still gave a few general recommendations that will help not to make a mistake with the choice:
  • A young man or a young man is best suited to a model on the neck, that is, a chain no longer than 45 cm.
  • If a man, presumably, will wear a pendant on the chain, then the best solution would be to buy a product with a length of 55 cm.
  • A longer product will appeal to a man who adheres to an unusual style in clothes and loves to stand out from the background of others.
For suspension or pendant is best suited thick chain thickness of 5 mm or more. Despite the fact that the purchase of such jewelry can pour into a round sum, it is better to spend once and buy a decent gift for life. If you have an unlimited budget, then you should consider exclusive chains of high-quality gold with diamond inlay.
When choosing a male chain, the fastener also plays an important role. If a man is engaged in sports or likes active rest, then this element should be paid special attention. The most reliable fasteners today are carbine type and box.
The most durable, according to experts, are gold chains from European manufacturers. Chinese and Middle Eastern products often add impurities, the content of which usually exceeds the established standards.


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