How to make a garden swing with their hands
For owners of a suburban area, the end of the summer recap: it is necessary not only to collect the harvest, but also to preserve it for the winter in the form of jars of pickles, pickled vegetables, compotes and jams from various berries. But how nice after all the bustle and hard day to relax, to be alone with themselves and the world, to look at the last warm and Sunny days and to see their unique beauty. Twice as nice will do all this for a simple and comfortable garden swing to make which can any person.
Ninety eight million two hundred fifty six thousand three hundred eighty seven
We need:
Seventy three million one hundred forty six thousand three hundred thirty five
Stage 1 – seat swing
As a seat, we need a strong Board with a thickness of over three inches. The length and width are determined only your preferences, but the most convenient and versatile option of a seat for both adults and children will Board with a length of 50 centimeters. The quality of the wood you can take any sturdy tree that is not afraid of environmental influences and moisture, for example, larch or oak. You can also get blanks for decking – it is already ground and polished.
Fifty million seventy nine thousand seventy eight
The Board is now required to handle it with sandpaper and remove all the bumps, leads and swirls. Then measure out the holes for the hooks, back off 2.5 cm from the edge (on the long side of the Board) and find the center of the Board width — put a pencil mark and drill a hole. Repeat with the other side.
Thirty million eight hundred twenty three thousand six hundred twenty eight
Important point: mounting one swing from both sides is possible only for narrow seats, the width of which does not exceed the palm of your hand from the wrist to the fingertips. If the seat is much wider, just add one bracket to each side of the Board.
Forty four million two hundred sixty one thousand three hundred twenty eight
Stage 2 – protect the wood
In order to swing for a long time, they are not bred pests, fungus and mold, it is necessary to protect our seat from moisture and other influences. Protection can be done in two stages: first we cover the Board with primer or with antiseptic, and then just paint paint for street work – so we will protect the swing from the sun, snow and frost. You can also cover the wood with varnish, which will create an additional layer of protection.
Eighty two million three hundred twenty three thousand one hundred eighty
Instead of paint and antiseptics can easily make use of various drying oils, impregnations and stain, which is composed of components from pests and mold. But, unfortunately, these coatings will not stick as long as a few layers of paint.
Stage 3 – Assembly
After drying of paint or varnish, you can begin to assemble our swing. In the hole insert the hooks with the loops (make sure they're threaded) and fasten them with nuts, washers laying on the top and bottom of the seat.
Forty six million three hundred sixty thousand four hundred eighty
In the loop insert the rifles – the same rifle we insert the chain. Determine the length of chain from a tree branch where there will be a swing to the ground with a tape measure — the distance from the seat of the swing to the ground should not be less than 50 centimeters.
Seventy one million five hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred forty five
Measured the chain, remove unnecessary links with wire cutters or bolt cutters and attach a chain to the carabiner. You can now attach swing to tree – to do this several times to wrap the chain around the branch or using the carabiners, make a loop of chain. In order to make the friction of the chain on the tree is the minimum possible around the branches to wrap a thick rope or a rope, and coils of rope to attach the chain.
Thirty one million two hundred eighty eight thousand two hundred forty eight
It remains only to test our suspension design for strength. Swing ready – now you can sit on cooler evenings, wrapped in a blanket and sipping a fragrant herbal tea, watch the sky at sunset they fly South for the cranes, and wood, separated from the branches with a dry sound, begin to fall the first leaves. published
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-31167/
Ninety eight million two hundred fifty six thousand three hundred eighty seven
We need:
- Board of the desired size (for seat swing)
- Pair of hooks with loops and thread
- Two carabiner
- Two nuts, four washers suitable
- Metal chain the desired length
- Primer and paint for wood (may be suitable protective varnish or stain).
- Pila
- Drill
- Roulette
- Pencil
- Clipper
- Painting tools: brush, rag, solvent.
Seventy three million one hundred forty six thousand three hundred thirty five
Stage 1 – seat swing
As a seat, we need a strong Board with a thickness of over three inches. The length and width are determined only your preferences, but the most convenient and versatile option of a seat for both adults and children will Board with a length of 50 centimeters. The quality of the wood you can take any sturdy tree that is not afraid of environmental influences and moisture, for example, larch or oak. You can also get blanks for decking – it is already ground and polished.
Fifty million seventy nine thousand seventy eight
The Board is now required to handle it with sandpaper and remove all the bumps, leads and swirls. Then measure out the holes for the hooks, back off 2.5 cm from the edge (on the long side of the Board) and find the center of the Board width — put a pencil mark and drill a hole. Repeat with the other side.
Thirty million eight hundred twenty three thousand six hundred twenty eight
Important point: mounting one swing from both sides is possible only for narrow seats, the width of which does not exceed the palm of your hand from the wrist to the fingertips. If the seat is much wider, just add one bracket to each side of the Board.
Forty four million two hundred sixty one thousand three hundred twenty eight
Stage 2 – protect the wood
In order to swing for a long time, they are not bred pests, fungus and mold, it is necessary to protect our seat from moisture and other influences. Protection can be done in two stages: first we cover the Board with primer or with antiseptic, and then just paint paint for street work – so we will protect the swing from the sun, snow and frost. You can also cover the wood with varnish, which will create an additional layer of protection.
Eighty two million three hundred twenty three thousand one hundred eighty
Instead of paint and antiseptics can easily make use of various drying oils, impregnations and stain, which is composed of components from pests and mold. But, unfortunately, these coatings will not stick as long as a few layers of paint.
Stage 3 – Assembly
After drying of paint or varnish, you can begin to assemble our swing. In the hole insert the hooks with the loops (make sure they're threaded) and fasten them with nuts, washers laying on the top and bottom of the seat.
Forty six million three hundred sixty thousand four hundred eighty
In the loop insert the rifles – the same rifle we insert the chain. Determine the length of chain from a tree branch where there will be a swing to the ground with a tape measure — the distance from the seat of the swing to the ground should not be less than 50 centimeters.
Seventy one million five hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred forty five
Measured the chain, remove unnecessary links with wire cutters or bolt cutters and attach a chain to the carabiner. You can now attach swing to tree – to do this several times to wrap the chain around the branch or using the carabiners, make a loop of chain. In order to make the friction of the chain on the tree is the minimum possible around the branches to wrap a thick rope or a rope, and coils of rope to attach the chain.
Thirty one million two hundred eighty eight thousand two hundred forty eight
It remains only to test our suspension design for strength. Swing ready – now you can sit on cooler evenings, wrapped in a blanket and sipping a fragrant herbal tea, watch the sky at sunset they fly South for the cranes, and wood, separated from the branches with a dry sound, begin to fall the first leaves. published
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-31167/
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