Invited the girl to dinner, but soon she ran away without explaining the reason, the next day the message came.

You never know what little things can change the course of events. Even developing a relationship with a potential partner. Kirill always considered himself a careful and careful person. However, sometimes we do not notice the most obvious, which can lead to unexpected consequences.

Peels Cyril and Diana Kirill and Diana met at work. They found each other attractive, educated and intelligent. Not surprisingly, the two soon began to experience mutual attraction. The young people quickly found a common language, became friends and after a couple of weeks decided to try to meet.

The decisive meeting in the understanding of Kirill was to be held at his home. He cleaned up all Saturday and cooked dinner for the guest. Fortunately, he had his own apartment, and there was no need to reckon with neighbors or worry about the landlord. The apartment was inherited by Kirill from his grandmother, who raised him and instilled the very politeness and respect for people for which he was valued by others.

Peels Diana arrived at the appointed time and the couple sat down for dinner. Kirill was very worried, so he did not even feel hungry. Diana was just beautiful: she did her hair and put on a burgundy dress. He just changed his shirt and washed his hair. The conversation was usual cheerful, and between the young people there was joyful tension.

When they finished dinner and started walking from room to room, Diana suddenly changed her face. She was not so willing to answer, and after a while said that it was time for her to go home. Kirill did not understand what was going on, but he did not dare to arrest the girl. At first he thought he had done or said something wrong. But after analyzing all his words and actions, he never found a possible reason for Diana’s strange behavior.

Peels The next day he decided to call her. I might need help. But the girl didn't pick up. Instead, she sent a long message, after which Cyril began calling with a vengeance. In her text, Diana stated that Kirill is a liar like all men. That she doesn't want to be anyone's mistress, so she shouldn't count on a relationship anymore.

Why did you think I was married? asked Kirill when Diana answered the phone.

Peels - Are you laughing? You have women's clothes hanging on the dryer, the girl replied sadly. - Thought I wouldn't notice?

Kirill slapped himself on the forehead. Sure! He forgot! I tried so hard to get the house in order, and I forgot about the elephant in the room.

- Look, I'm not married. I can show you my passport and show you all the closets. It's my sister's stuff. She stopped by a week ago and left some of her stuff to dry. I forgot to fold them.

- Aren't you kidding me?

- Absolutely not. I'm ready to prove it if necessary.

Peels Diana relented and gave Cyril a second chance. She eventually apologised to him and the young men officially became a couple. Things could have turned out differently. On the one hand, this moment became an obstacle to the relationship. On the other hand, he helped build their trust from the start. And you wouldn’t think that all sorts of different things that you don’t notice during cleaning can change the situation.

Did Diana justifiably cut ties with Kirill? Was it worth trying to figure out the relationship during the date? And is it really worthwhile to immediately form an opinion about a person on insignificant details?


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