The first man should be the father of your children! This cannot be ignored...
Oh. rhythm Modern society learned relatively recently - in the middle of the XIX century. These are rules that, in a narrow sense, imply the preservation of the purity of the clan and blood.
They were observed with special trepidation by all Slavic and Aryan peoples. Now there is another term for the laws of rita - telegony, or the theory of the first male.
Telegony was first discussed after the experience of Charles Darwin’s friend, Lord Marton. It was he who tested the influence of the first male by crossing a thoroughbred English mare with a zebra stallion.
The offspring after the experiment did not work out, but after a while the beginning biologist crossed the same horse with a purebred English stallion. As a result of the accident, a foal “Englishman” appeared with black and white stripes on its side, exactly like a zebra.
Also, the phenomenon of telegony is often faced by breeders of pigeons: if a purebred pigeon “tombed” the Caesar, in the future, even with the most elite croup, its offspring will be unclean. Then the feathers in the tail of a different color, then the beak of an irregular shape ...
Should Modern People Know About Telegony? Of course, says Russian scientist Peter Goryaev. He insists that after sexual intercourse, not only a bright emotional trace remains in our memory, but also in our body.
Here is how the author of the wave genome theory explains the influence of the first male: “This man may die, he may leave, he may be of another nationality, he may be a Negro, a Jew or anyone, so all subsequent children in this woman will inevitably resemble this first one to one degree or another.”
That is why our ancestors carefully followed the laws of rita. Among the Slavic peoples, the concept of “virgin” symbolized the image of purity and purity.
So when the groom's parents came to meet the bride's parents, the first thing they asked was, "Is your girl pure?"
They were interested in everything: does the girl carry the image of another man, was she married before, were there serious diseases in the family of the bride? All this was necessary to learn before marriage, so that the whole family was extended by full-fledged offspring.
Now intimate relationships with different partners have become almost the norm for young people. Moreover, such behavior is shown in a positive light with family films and television programs. Many young people consider this normal and do not intend to change their views and priorities.
What do you think of telegony? Were the beliefs of our ancestors true? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments!

They were observed with special trepidation by all Slavic and Aryan peoples. Now there is another term for the laws of rita - telegony, or the theory of the first male.

Telegony was first discussed after the experience of Charles Darwin’s friend, Lord Marton. It was he who tested the influence of the first male by crossing a thoroughbred English mare with a zebra stallion.

The offspring after the experiment did not work out, but after a while the beginning biologist crossed the same horse with a purebred English stallion. As a result of the accident, a foal “Englishman” appeared with black and white stripes on its side, exactly like a zebra.

Also, the phenomenon of telegony is often faced by breeders of pigeons: if a purebred pigeon “tombed” the Caesar, in the future, even with the most elite croup, its offspring will be unclean. Then the feathers in the tail of a different color, then the beak of an irregular shape ...

Should Modern People Know About Telegony? Of course, says Russian scientist Peter Goryaev. He insists that after sexual intercourse, not only a bright emotional trace remains in our memory, but also in our body.

Here is how the author of the wave genome theory explains the influence of the first male: “This man may die, he may leave, he may be of another nationality, he may be a Negro, a Jew or anyone, so all subsequent children in this woman will inevitably resemble this first one to one degree or another.”
That is why our ancestors carefully followed the laws of rita. Among the Slavic peoples, the concept of “virgin” symbolized the image of purity and purity.

So when the groom's parents came to meet the bride's parents, the first thing they asked was, "Is your girl pure?"

They were interested in everything: does the girl carry the image of another man, was she married before, were there serious diseases in the family of the bride? All this was necessary to learn before marriage, so that the whole family was extended by full-fledged offspring.

Now intimate relationships with different partners have become almost the norm for young people. Moreover, such behavior is shown in a positive light with family films and television programs. Many young people consider this normal and do not intend to change their views and priorities.

What do you think of telegony? Were the beliefs of our ancestors true? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments!
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