Porch: 15 ideas of design and decor. The house starts with this!

The house does not start from the door or door, but from the porch. Many people underestimate this element. Not only can the porch be great to decorate your home, so it can still become the most beautiful and cozy place for spending time in the fresh air.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you and show you how to turn. porch a multifunctional design solution. If your house does not have a porch, then it is quite easy to build it from the most ordinary boards.

House porch design
  1. If there is a very small porch near your house, decorate it with greenery. The house will immediately take on a different look.

  2. A lot of flowers and, of course, a place for evening admiration of the surroundings. You don’t have to use a lot of furniture. A rocking chair is enough.

  3. If space allows, on the porch you can arrange a place for lunches and gatherings with friends.

  4. Simple and cozy.

  5. You can even build a fireplace on the porch. And if you choose one in which the grill is mounted, you will get a full gazebo right near the house.

  6. Little porch.But with a rest area.

  7. It looks very stylish. From the sun and rain, you can see nature.

  8. The perfect solution for a house!

  9. Here's a porch without a canopy. You can have sunbathing and parties. But you will have to monitor the weather in time to hide upholstered furniture from the rain.

  10. Most people are used to a porch made of wood, but stone and concrete also look very beautiful. If you do not like gray, just add a couple of bright elements in the form of plants or a blanket.

  11. Very cozy porch. Hang a beautiful curtain so that if necessary, you can create a shadow and hide from the sun.

  12. If your old-style house or it has a very low foundation and there is no possibility to attach a porch, you can lay it out of pavement slabs. A stretch canopy will give a zest and a completed look to the porch.

  13. Still, the correct decor is able to bring to a new level the arrangement of even the most inconspicuous porch of brick.

  14. Forged elements and transparent roof - stylish, beautiful and durable.

  15. Of course, the columns give solidity to any building.

Editorial Board
There are usually several steps on the porch. Your task is to choose the best dimensions of the ladder design. The optimal width of the stairs is 80-100 cm. If possible, the width should be increased - so the porch will be more comfortable and beautiful. Reducing the width of the porch is undesirable. The permissible angle of inclination of the stairs is from 27 to 45 degrees.

The depth of the pit for the future porch should be from 50 centimeters. It must be filled with gravel, sand and covered with ruberoid before pouring the steps with concrete or sewn up with boards.

The porch of the house can be not only a beautiful annex, but also a very multifunctional space. Do not forget to share a useful selection with friends on social networks!


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