Exercise for those who are a little tired of constant discomfort in the back
You've definitely heard of Pilates. This training system is now at the peak of popularity. Classes consisting of smooth and gentle movements stretch and strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, tone and improve the condition of the body. But few people know about the man who invented this amazing system. Meet me, Joseph Pilates!
"Site" I will gladly tell you about a genius who managed to come up with, in our opinion, the best of the existing training systems.
Pilates classes Joseph Pilates, the inventor of such a popular exercise system, was not always stately and fit. He was born in 1883 into a poor German family. He was a very sick child: he suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatism. In addition, he often suffered from peers.
When the boy complained to his father again, he said, “Every man is the master of his own destiny.” You can keep complaining, or you can start changing your life.” It seems that this simple phrase became decisive in the fate of Joseph.
After a couple of years of hard training, the boy turned from a frail climber into a real athlete. He so phenomenally developed the musculature of his own body that local artists invited him to pose as a model. Already in his youth, Pilates thought about the development of trainingIt would perfect the flexibility and strength of the body. This was the beginning of the beloved Pilates.
In 1912, Josef moved to England, where he worked as a circus gymnast, participated in sparring and even trained Scotland Yard detectives. At the beginning of the First World War, Pilates was captured, where he continued to train and train actively.
In a military camp, he worked in a hospital where he managed to develop a system of exercises for those who could not get out of bed. The beds were specially equipped with springs, belts and pulleys. They served as the prototype of modern simulators for Pilates.
In 1923, Joseph Pilates emigrated to the United States, where he found a true admirer of his system. His classes are endlessly visited by Hollywood stars and eminent athletes.
Josef Pilates died at the age of 87 and remained in great physical shape all his life. Although the man himself claimed that he allowed himself a lot of excesses: he ate what he wanted, drank and loved tobacco. After the departure of the genius, the system of exercises was forgotten. After all, there was no single theory of Pilates, Joseph selected an individual method for each student.
Today. pilates They are experiencing their revival, acquiring new experiences and many techniques. They are simple, understandable and extremely effective. Smart gymnastics in tandem with proper breathing forms a muscle frame around the spine and joints, making a person truly strong and healthy.
Joseph Pilates once said, “We retire too early and leave too young.” The heyday of a person should be at the age of 70+, and old age should come in a hundred years! You can be an old man in your 30s and a young man in your 60s, because every man is as young as his spine is flexible.
The beginner and avid athlete will appreciate the system of exercises developed by Josef Pilates. By practicing Pilates, you gain a strong, beautiful, and most importantly, healthy body!
"Site" I will gladly tell you about a genius who managed to come up with, in our opinion, the best of the existing training systems.

Pilates classes Joseph Pilates, the inventor of such a popular exercise system, was not always stately and fit. He was born in 1883 into a poor German family. He was a very sick child: he suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatism. In addition, he often suffered from peers.
When the boy complained to his father again, he said, “Every man is the master of his own destiny.” You can keep complaining, or you can start changing your life.” It seems that this simple phrase became decisive in the fate of Joseph.

After a couple of years of hard training, the boy turned from a frail climber into a real athlete. He so phenomenally developed the musculature of his own body that local artists invited him to pose as a model. Already in his youth, Pilates thought about the development of trainingIt would perfect the flexibility and strength of the body. This was the beginning of the beloved Pilates.

In 1912, Josef moved to England, where he worked as a circus gymnast, participated in sparring and even trained Scotland Yard detectives. At the beginning of the First World War, Pilates was captured, where he continued to train and train actively.
In a military camp, he worked in a hospital where he managed to develop a system of exercises for those who could not get out of bed. The beds were specially equipped with springs, belts and pulleys. They served as the prototype of modern simulators for Pilates.

In 1923, Joseph Pilates emigrated to the United States, where he found a true admirer of his system. His classes are endlessly visited by Hollywood stars and eminent athletes.

Josef Pilates died at the age of 87 and remained in great physical shape all his life. Although the man himself claimed that he allowed himself a lot of excesses: he ate what he wanted, drank and loved tobacco. After the departure of the genius, the system of exercises was forgotten. After all, there was no single theory of Pilates, Joseph selected an individual method for each student.

Today. pilates They are experiencing their revival, acquiring new experiences and many techniques. They are simple, understandable and extremely effective. Smart gymnastics in tandem with proper breathing forms a muscle frame around the spine and joints, making a person truly strong and healthy.

Joseph Pilates once said, “We retire too early and leave too young.” The heyday of a person should be at the age of 70+, and old age should come in a hundred years! You can be an old man in your 30s and a young man in your 60s, because every man is as young as his spine is flexible.

The beginner and avid athlete will appreciate the system of exercises developed by Josef Pilates. By practicing Pilates, you gain a strong, beautiful, and most importantly, healthy body!
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She couldn't clean the old window sill until she learned the trick. The result is beyond praise!