Decorative partitions for zoning and how to use them

Recently I met very interesting people – Ivan, an engineer by profession, and Irina, who works as a designer. They have three children, and they all live in a two-bedroom apartment of approximately 41 m2. At the same time, their apartment is very cozy, comfortable, and each of the family members has their own personal space.

I wondered how this beautiful family had turned their little apartment into such a comfortable, beautiful and functional home. And the secret was quite simple - when renovating the apartment they used partition.

Decorative partitions for zoning Such elements of space are able to divide the room into different functional zones so that each family member has the opportunity to get his own corner.

In addition to the ability to separate one part of the room from another, making them to some extent private, such elements of the interior can act as a part of the room. storage.

Editorial "Site" I could not ignore this beautiful find for the arrangement of the apartment and prepared for you 27 ideas. decorative partitions for zoning the house. I will definitely make one at home!

  1. A variety of materials can be used for the manufacture of decorative partitions. It all depends on the interior of the room, the preferences of the owner and the functions that the partition should perform. I really like this non-standard solution with the use of trunks and branches of trees as separators.

  2. Wooden partition is able to fit into almost any modern interior, becoming a kind of accent in it.

  3. With the help of such a wooden partition, you can easily separate the working area of the kitchen from the dining room.

  4. Looking at this partition, I'm just speechless! I guess I've always dreamed of that.

  5. Another amazing design solution. Fans of eco-style will be absolutely delighted!

  6. And here is a rather non-standard example of a textile partition. Bright and unusual, isn't it?

  7. Creative dividing wall looks organically in a room decorated in the style of minimalism. But for such a partition, freshly cut branches of a tree growing under the window of your house or in the nearest forest are not suitable. Before using the branch, it is necessary to treat in a special way: cut off small branches, dry them and polish the surface. After that, the blanks are covered with varnish and fixed on the stand. As a result, you can get a room in an eco-style.

  8. Stylish and tasteful!

  9. Easy and practically weightless This is especially true when the room is small. Here, an interesting addition to glass was a textile curtain, which helps to hide from strangers what they do not need to see.

  10. Another great example of a wood partition.

  11. To date, the loft style is one of the most popular, however, to create it is not easy. Well in the interiors of this kind fit decorative brickwork. Ideally, if the house already has a non-bearing wall, which can be partially disassembled, leaving an uneven edge. It will be brutal and stylish detail that will set the tone for the entire interior.

  12. Such a partition looks elegant and beautiful. Thanks to this design, through wooden elements of the partition will create a feeling of lightness, and the room will visually become more spacious.

  13. Amazing splendor!

  14. And such a forged partition will give the interior a special mood, retain a sense of lightness and leave access to natural light. In addition, it acts as an additional place for storing various souvenirs.

Editorial Board
When choosing a partition, be sure to consider the size of the room and the quality of its lighting. If in spacious rooms with a large number of windows will be appropriate absolutely any option, in small – it is better to give preference to light, transparent, mobile screens. Also pay attention to the shelving walls. They are perfect for a variety of rooms. This option is especially relevant when you experience a lack of storage systems.

If you have imagination and creativity, a decorative partition in your home can become a real art object and highlight part of the space with a certain style. Creating a cozy, beautiful and functional It will require you to pay attention to the smallest details, a reasonable approach to the upcoming alteration and, of course, a little love.

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