How to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment
Zoning a one-bedroom apartment is a reasonable solution for those who care about their personal space and at the same time like to invite friends to visit. Today we will talk about ideas that are easy to implement even in the smallest apartment and create comfort in the house.
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A post shared by _obo_vsem_ (@_vsemy_svety_)
Zoning one-room apartment Studio apartments are very fond of modern youth. In such an apartment is spacious and bright - an ideal home for a creative nature or a young couple. Some decide to radically remodel old apartments and remove the wall between the kitchen and the room.
It is easier said than done, because some walls cannot be broken down and it is necessary to coordinate this issue with the management company. It's complicated. And these studios do not attract everyone, sometimes you want to fence off a bed from guests.
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A post shared by Design project online (@interior.like)
So, in order to do this, you can buy wooden or MDF panels in the construction store to make a partition. There are design firms that are engaged in the production of such partitions. They simultaneously fence off areas in the apartment and do not take up much space. And the design of the apartment is transformed in front of our eyes.
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A post shared by Rack and Carved partitions (@aniima_reiki)
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A post shared by Rack and Carved partitions (@aniima_reiki)
These partitions can be painted in any color, order partitions with elegant combos. They are sometimes installed in the hallway or between the sleeping area and the kitchen, if it is a studio apartment, sometimes in the room itself.
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A post shared by Elena Zhuk (@shirma_piter____)
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A post shared by Designer Interior Moscow (@t_maslennikova_design)
You can independently make partitions for the room from long wooden beams. Just look: the sleeping area is unobtrusively fenced off, light penetrates the whole room, beauty! And if your workplace is suddenly located near the front door, then in the same way you can install a narrow partition.
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A post shared by REMONT | (@repair_osp)
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A post shared by Anna (@reiki_fabbrica)
Even the narrowest and most transparent partitions create the impression that there are at least two rooms in the apartment. If you approach this question creatively, your apartment will not be like everyone else.
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A post shared by Furniture on order Novosibirsk (@101_shkaf)
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A post shared by Designer Interior (@olesia__ikonnikova)
Another idea is, of course, bookshelves. First, there is a place where you can put all kinds of scenery and books. This is an easy way to divide the space.
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A post shared by Stylish and Modern Furniture (@mebelnyi_bytik)
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A post shared by Useful blog for the whole family (@ira.vladimirovna.82)
I hope that you liked the idea of remodeling the apartment and it will awaken in you new ideas for creating coziness in your home. Such design solutions are universal and suitable for both large and small apartments. Would you remodel your apartment like that?
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A post shared by _obo_vsem_ (@_vsemy_svety_)
Zoning one-room apartment Studio apartments are very fond of modern youth. In such an apartment is spacious and bright - an ideal home for a creative nature or a young couple. Some decide to radically remodel old apartments and remove the wall between the kitchen and the room.
It is easier said than done, because some walls cannot be broken down and it is necessary to coordinate this issue with the management company. It's complicated. And these studios do not attract everyone, sometimes you want to fence off a bed from guests.
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A post shared by Design project online (@interior.like)
So, in order to do this, you can buy wooden or MDF panels in the construction store to make a partition. There are design firms that are engaged in the production of such partitions. They simultaneously fence off areas in the apartment and do not take up much space. And the design of the apartment is transformed in front of our eyes.
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A post shared by Rack and Carved partitions (@aniima_reiki)
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A post shared by Rack and Carved partitions (@aniima_reiki)
These partitions can be painted in any color, order partitions with elegant combos. They are sometimes installed in the hallway or between the sleeping area and the kitchen, if it is a studio apartment, sometimes in the room itself.
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A post shared by Elena Zhuk (@shirma_piter____)
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A post shared by Designer Interior Moscow (@t_maslennikova_design)
You can independently make partitions for the room from long wooden beams. Just look: the sleeping area is unobtrusively fenced off, light penetrates the whole room, beauty! And if your workplace is suddenly located near the front door, then in the same way you can install a narrow partition.
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A post shared by REMONT | (@repair_osp)
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A post shared by Anna (@reiki_fabbrica)
Even the narrowest and most transparent partitions create the impression that there are at least two rooms in the apartment. If you approach this question creatively, your apartment will not be like everyone else.
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A post shared by Furniture on order Novosibirsk (@101_shkaf)
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A post shared by Designer Interior (@olesia__ikonnikova)
Another idea is, of course, bookshelves. First, there is a place where you can put all kinds of scenery and books. This is an easy way to divide the space.
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A post shared by Stylish and Modern Furniture (@mebelnyi_bytik)
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A post shared by Useful blog for the whole family (@ira.vladimirovna.82)
I hope that you liked the idea of remodeling the apartment and it will awaken in you new ideas for creating coziness in your home. Such design solutions are universal and suitable for both large and small apartments. Would you remodel your apartment like that?
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