Why Modern Women Don’t Want to Get Married

Modern society has not yet completely escaped the stereotypes imposed on it. patriarchalism. According to them, the main goal in a woman’s life is marriage, she needs to create a family more than a man and therefore is so actively engaged in establishing home comfort. All so that the representative of the stronger sex wants to stay in the family nest.

Psychologists believe that today’s woman is different. And the assertion that a woman would do anything for the sake of family ties, past.

What does a woman expect from marriage? Waiting? More and more beautiful and intelligent girls are performing marriage in its outdated form.

  1. A woman needs self-actualization. It's normal. The weaker sex needs self-realization as well as the stronger. Even 100 years ago, society did not allow a woman to develop in the sphere that corresponded to her interests, skills, talents. It did not accept it completely and unconditionally.

    Women remained. leave She is the only one to show all the colors of her multifaceted personality. Not everyone was able to find themselves in a small space at home. Ladies were left alone with unrealized dreams.

    The world is changing. Today’s woman is not ready to follow her usual way of life, put herself in four walls and look at her life. hearth. A vivid example is public people: actresses, singers, dancers. And after the birth of children, they continue to please us with their songs, productions, create masterpieces of cinema.

  2. Woman wants kids There are women who dream. mother. Motherhood is wonderful if you can accept it with joy and gratitude.

    Before, having given birth to one child, very often a woman turned into a mother for two. The second child was her husband.

    In today’s society, marriage is about working together. And if their other half does not realize this, they refuse to educate her, and go to a more adult, not only in age, but also in age. maturitydespite having a child.

  3. A woman needs money Once upon a time, a woman married because it was easier to survive financially. The husband earned money, and the woman felt protected and dependent at the same time.

    Today, even those women who are not aimed at earnings and career growth, for their intelligence and creativity can receive decent money. And there are many. Financial matter It is no longer the main reason for marriage.

  4. Woman wants love Undoubtedly, every lady wants to feel love, tenderness, care. Like a man, he wants to be loved and loved. In our time, a woman is not ready to close her eyes to infidelity and disrespect for herself. In the past, ladies were patient, tried to keep the official marriage and not to divorce, and in society this was called “wisdom”.

    Now wisdom is called wisdom. happinessIt has nothing to do with self-deprecation, self-flagellation and the accumulation of anger against the opposite sex.

    A woman wants love. And he no longer thinks it necessary to keep a male next to him just so that society believes that she is doing well. Gender stereotypes in the past.

Do you agree with the research of psychologists? What do you think really matters to women today? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this article with your friends.


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