How to prepare alkaline water

The performance of your body largely depends on the acid-base balance. Irrational nutrition with a high acid content leads to oxidation of the body and disrupts the normal functioning of internal organs. To resume optimal pHIt is recommended to add alkaline water to your diet from time to time, and here’s why.

"Site" He will tell you all about the benefits of alkaline water, and how to cook this very water for pennies.

It is no secret that for the optimal functioning of the body and sufficient hydration it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The modern rhythm of life, sedentary work and illiterate eating shifts the balance of our body towards acidity. This entails problems with digestion, provokes chronic diseases, leads to exhaustion of the body, weight gain and many other ailments. To alkalize the body, it is important to drink proper water, as well as add high-alkali foods to your diet.

In addition, such water helps to normalize acid-base The body, it has a number of important benefits for human health.

Alkaline water is obtained by complex filtration, and such water is quite expensive. Fortunately, there are several homemade recipes that can be used to make healthy alkaline water at home and at virtually no cost.

  1. Recipe 1
    Pour 1 liter of pure water into a container with a lid. Add 1 lemon, cut into 8 parts and 1 tsp Himalayan salt. Close the lid tightly and let it brew for 12 hours at room temperature. Drink 3 cups of this water in the morning before breakfast.

  2. Recipe 2
    This recipe for making alkaline water is based on the beneficial properties of baking soda. Add 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate to a glass of water and drink. Very useful!

  3. Recipe 3
    This method of preparing alkaline water is very simple. It consists in the fact that the water must be boiled for 5 minutes. This will increase the pH of water from 7.2 to 8.4. Boiled water is best stored in a closed container and consumed chilled.

Use such water is moderate, only 5 ml of liquid per kg of body weight. If your diet is already rich in alkaline foods, you should consult a doctor before you start drinking alkaline water.

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