These berries save millions of people from the most insidious disease! Rapid regeneration of body tissues...
In the gardens and gardens, there are many quiz. The market is literally crowded with traders who want to sell precious fruits, which is understandable, because these berries are extremely low-calorie product (100 grams contains only 40 calories).
But not everyone knows that the sweet fruits of the bush / tree can be a real salvation from many ailments. Red berries help reduce blood sugar levels, strengthen blood vessels, strengthen immunity, and also help with exacerbations of hemorrhoids.
This autumn, it's just a sin not to eat a few handfuls of ripe kizil! Especially since many ailments have their own treatment methods with the help of red berries.
Benefits of Kizil for the Body
Our editorial board advises those readers who have a small plot of land, be sure to plant a kizyl tree or bush. This plant will definitely be useful!
But not everyone knows that the sweet fruits of the bush / tree can be a real salvation from many ailments. Red berries help reduce blood sugar levels, strengthen blood vessels, strengthen immunity, and also help with exacerbations of hemorrhoids.

This autumn, it's just a sin not to eat a few handfuls of ripe kizil! Especially since many ailments have their own treatment methods with the help of red berries.
Benefits of Kizil for the Body

- To strengthen immunity
Protect yourself from early outbreaks of colds will help sweet berries of kizil. Due to the high content of vitamin C, kizyl increases the protective functions of the body. To stay in shape, you should eat 1/2 cup of red berries a day. Extremely effective will be a ten-day course of use of kizil. - To speed up metabolism
Those who want to lose weight should pay attention to the fruits of kizil. Pectins contained in berries contribute to the removal of oxalic and uric acid from the body. - To get rid of problems with the intestines and stomach
Kizil is simply indispensable for those who suffer from problems with the digestive system. To adjust the work of the stomach and intestines, it is enough before each meal (for 1-2 hours) to eat 10-12 berries of kizyl. - In diabetes,
Doctors recommend those who suffer from diabetes mellitus to regularly consume kizil juice. This drink effectively reduces blood sugar levels. Treatment with kizyl juice should begin with the use of 50 grams 30 minutes before meals. Gradually, you need to increase the amount of juice drunk to 200 grams. - To treat problem skin
Those who suffer from constant rashes in the form of acne and acne should regularly eat 100-200 grams of kizil per day. Soon you will notice that your skin is cleaner and healthier. Kizil also helps with eczema. In this case, you need to use not only berries, but also juices and decoctions from kizil. - With hemorrhoid exacerbations
Doctors recommend in this case to use berries of kizil together with bones. The fact is that the seeds of kizyl are 34% composed of vegetable oils, which have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. These properties are simply necessary when stopping attacks of hemorrhoids. Kizyl bones contribute to reducing edema, reducing pain and the disappearance of redness of hemorrhoids. The easiest method of treatment is to eat 15 berries a day along with the bones. - With a cold, flu or angina
Kizil juice or decoction is the best natural antipyretic. Kizil jam perfectly fights a sore throat.
Our editorial board advises those readers who have a small plot of land, be sure to plant a kizyl tree or bush. This plant will definitely be useful!
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