How to choose a good partner? Let's turn to science! It's useless to resist.

Who knows better than family psychologists that intimate connection is one of the main components of harmonious relations in a couple. Exactly because dissatisfaction Many couples accumulate resentment, tension and aggression. Sooner or later, this balloon of discontent will burst, and someone will raise the issue of parting.

To avoid this, it is important to calculate at the beginning of the relationship. constitution lover. Yes, each of us has its own intimate temperament: someone needs to love a partner three times a day to satisfy, and someone and once a month – already a lot.

So, for those who set out to calculate the sexual constitution of their ideal partner, science offers 5 criteria that will help in this case.

Sexual activity
  1. Trochanter index
    This indicator allows you to find out the type of sexual constitution using the ratio of human height and leg length. The higher the trochanter index, the stronger the type of constitution. To determine it, you need to divide the height of a person by the length of the leg from the thigh. If the result was less than 1.91, the constitution is weak, 1.92-1.98 is average, everything higher is strong. In other words, the shorter a person’s legs, the higher his libido.

  2. Hair cover
    Another important indicator of the sexual constitution. It turns out that thick hair on the hands, legs, abdomen and back indicates increased libido. It is also necessary to take into account the nature of hair growth in the pubic region: people with a weak sexual constitution often have horizontal hair loss, with an average - with a transition to the stomach, with a strong - an excessive amount of hair.

  3. Foot shape
    The future partner can also be declassified by the shape of the foot. With a strong sexual constitution, the thumb on the toes is shorter than the index. With weak - much longer, and with average they are often the same.

  4. Hand flexion
    To do this, you need to stretch both hands and press them with your palms against each other, trying not to mow your forearms. If the hands remain straight, the person has a strong sexual constitution. If there is a small gap in the forearm area, a person has an average sexual constitution. If there is no gap at all, you have a man with a weak constitution.

  5. Age of First Intimate Curiosity
    Here we will talk about the first manifestation of interest in the opposite sex. Holders of a strong constitution begin to be interested in physical relationships before the age of 11, the average - from 12 to 14, the weak - after 15.

The most informative indicators are the trochanter index and the shape of the foot. And the latter is a priority. There are cases when long-legged men had increased libido, and all because the thumb on their toe was much shorter than the index.

How amazing to realize that the real sex giants are small, short and hairy men. Women, don't ignore them!


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