How to properly wear pins

It's fashionable today to talk about positive-thinking. Everything from furniture in the house to thoughts in the head should be arranged in feng shui. Eastern traditions we willingly believe, and our relatives, ridicule and do not want to follow them. But, dear readers, we are not Chinese.


My friends and I go to the bath every Tuesday. We have been friends for a long time and do not hide secrets from each other. But there is a special case among us - Irka, who barely finished school and grieved in half tormented herself in school. Married at 19, divorced at 20, without a husband, without a job, but the soul of the company! 6 months ago, her life changed dramatically.

She got a decent company, a good salary, meets a man, enrolled in driving school. The secret of luck she kept secret for a long time, but one day I noticed Irka's pin, which was pinned to the top of her head. interior her shirts.

I used to be categorical in matters of damage, evil eye, "slats" and other nonsense. But after a friend persuaded her to go with her to a “knowing” woman, I was thinking. How can you not believe that a stranger tells the smallest details of your personal life?

Therefore, holding my heart, I decided to test the magic talismans of luck. I remember, as a child, my grandmother pinned a pin to her dress with the words: “Protect the pin from the evil eye, demonic offspring and other infections.”

A small and inconspicuous pin is a very powerful amulet. Today's reaction "Site" It will tell you about the incredible abilities of this thing. Read to the end and find out How to make sure you get lucky more often.


To attract well-being and luck, you need to use all kinds of resources. And, when it comes to magic, we do not recommend turning to witches, psychics and other people from questionable witch nobility. Money for the wind at best. Our ancestors performed protective rituals on their own, and some of them are still known today.

Conspiracies with a pin All rituals should be carried out moonlightAfter sunset, alone in the room. Conspiracy pin should be attached to the inside of the clothing.

Conspiracy for luck Buy a big wax candle at the church and a new red thread and pin at the store. Light a candle in the room and read Our Father. Put a red thread through the hole in the pin and, tying 12 knots, say this text:


Twelve forces, twelve shields, and all around me, (name), stand firmly, the service is carried - take away, shields, from me all troubles, misfortunes, evil and bad weather, be my talisman from ages to ages! My word is strong, and my work is fine!

When you're done talking, seal the last knot with wax.

Conspiracy from the evil eye If the house often quarrels and relations with a man do not go well, do not rush to break up the relationship. Your family may have envious people who don’t want you to be together. In that case, it will help. evil-pin. And you'll also need onions, one of the strongest protective plants.


To prepare for the ritual, buy a large onion at the market. During the ritual, pierce the onion with a pin, bring it to your lips and read the text on the open part of the pin: “The bow-fighter, protect the crown, turn away from (name) evil allotments, the devil of the aisles.” Protect, protect, avert any trouble. Key, lock, tongue, amen.” After the ceremony, bury the bulb in the ground.

Conspiracy for money
On Saturday morning, change your money so you have 12 small bills. Take a pin, preferably gold or yellow, put it in holy water, and in the meantime read Our Father. Then take the pin out of the water, pierce the bills with it and fasten it.

DepositPhotos Say the following text: “The pin is sharp and fast, found the money, cleaned up yourself.” They came back to me, and they came back to me.

Keep the amulet where you keep real money or carry it with you in your wallet. Spending money is not allowed under any circumstances.

If pin She was lost, so she did her job. Make a new one, it's not hard. But it also happens that detractors throw unbuttoned, bent pins or needles under the front doors, hair, clothes, shoes. What should we do in such cases?

If I found a pin
  1. Do not touch her with your hands. Put on gloves or take paper and carefully put the item away. It is advisable to burn it with gloves.
  2. At home, recite the prayer: Mother, Mother, the Most Holy Mother of God, the Three-Handed Mother, you protect all the righteous people, pray for me before God. May you cover me with your miraculous veil from all enemies and evil sustostats. May it be so from now on until the end of the age. Amen.
  3. Hold your hands above the flame of a church candle or rinse with holy water.


Experience shows that accidents are not accidental. Regardless of faith or disbelief in superiorityUnexplained things continue to happen in our lives. No one knows where success and failure come from. Confluence of circumstances or will of fate? If there is hope, pin-pin If it helps, why not try it?

Magic is not good or bad, it all depends on how you use it. I'm wearing a talking pin, waiting. And my grandmother advised me to sprinkle salt on the doorstep to take evil spirits away from the house, I will try, and maybe I will be lucky!

You. found the linings At home? Tell us in the comments, has anything changed since the discovery or has nothing happened?

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