Who is contraindicated to wear masks, according to Elena Malysheva, and how to be in such a situation?
Repetition is the mother of learning. Although it is difficult to call it a repetition. Recommendations that change depending on the circumstances. The crown continues to move actively around the planet and is not going to give up. In some European countries, the lockdown is close or has already been introduced. And citizens are still asking themselves, Is it okay not to wear a mask?.
Editorial "Site" He is also mixed in his opinion. There are opponents of masks, and there are ardent adherents. As for me, the mask will not surprise me. Over the years I spent in China, the mask has become a matter of course. It is not that the Chinese are afraid of air pollution. Just a warm face.
To the Chinese we will return, but for now to our realities. Here we focus on Elena Malysheva and WHO recommendations. That's what they think about who can't wear a mask and who can't.
According to European pediatricians, children under the age of five can even be dangerous to wear masks. In the United States, there are cases when children who were wearing masks for more than eight hours simply suffocated. In addition, the risk of infection from such a child is minimal, since the volume of his lungs is incommensurable with the lungs of an adult.
Experts estimate this risk at only 1%, in the remaining 99% contact with a child, even if he is sick, does not pose a threat. For example, adults give away four times more crowns, which is 4.4%. Finns and Swedes concluded that children are at greater risk from sick adults. In general, European pediatricians believe that children will do well without masks.
Although statistics attribute the elderly to the main risk group, nevertheless at the moment they “catch” the crown not much more often than everyone else. There is a common thing with children: in old people, the volume of the lungs is also reduced, breathing is often superficial. Besides that, there are others. age-changewhich qualify as afflictions.
You don’t need to be seven inches in your forehead to understand that it’s hard for grandparents to wear masks. Oxygen saturation is critical, and a masked drop of several percent can create serious discomfort for an elderly person. Belgian doctors are convinced that long wearing a mask can be compared to extremely poorly ventilated room.
What do we got on the way out? Reducing oxygen flow and, conversely, saturation with carbon dioxide. This in a healthy person will cause dizziness and headache, which is already to say about the elderly. Doctors do not recommend mindlessly wearing masks - it is better to observe social distance and use so-called transparent plastic screens.
How to Wear a Mask to Everyone else Let’s Use Common Sense Whatever it is, the mask is a barrier. This is especially true for those who cough and sneeze. You guys need to wear it to avoid putting others at risk. The best thing is to stay at home, no one will judge you for it today.
Yes, we are used to going to work with obvious signs of SARS, but in this situation it is absolutely impossible. Therefore, once again, we wear masks there and when it is regulated by law. If the mask is difficult to wear, then we observe social distance, try to use a special screen. Don’t panic and respect each other. Watch this issue of Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Great” to fully master the topic.
Since the crown is still not studied properly, you do not need to consider yourself familiar and ignore rules. You don't want to wear a mask. Then keep your distance and do not create uncomfortable situations for those who prefer to wear masks. The same goes for the ardent Masonics, who in their paranoia sometimes cross every conceivable limit.
Can we not wear a mask?? Let’s return now to the Chinese, for whom the mask is not just an element of protection, but now it is an image attribute. Masks are even written beauties, as they believe that so less winded delicate skin. There's a lot to think about, isn't there? This article is about how a mask can identify a sociopath and why it is so obvious. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" He is also mixed in his opinion. There are opponents of masks, and there are ardent adherents. As for me, the mask will not surprise me. Over the years I spent in China, the mask has become a matter of course. It is not that the Chinese are afraid of air pollution. Just a warm face.
To the Chinese we will return, but for now to our realities. Here we focus on Elena Malysheva and WHO recommendations. That's what they think about who can't wear a mask and who can't.

According to European pediatricians, children under the age of five can even be dangerous to wear masks. In the United States, there are cases when children who were wearing masks for more than eight hours simply suffocated. In addition, the risk of infection from such a child is minimal, since the volume of his lungs is incommensurable with the lungs of an adult.

Experts estimate this risk at only 1%, in the remaining 99% contact with a child, even if he is sick, does not pose a threat. For example, adults give away four times more crowns, which is 4.4%. Finns and Swedes concluded that children are at greater risk from sick adults. In general, European pediatricians believe that children will do well without masks.
Although statistics attribute the elderly to the main risk group, nevertheless at the moment they “catch” the crown not much more often than everyone else. There is a common thing with children: in old people, the volume of the lungs is also reduced, breathing is often superficial. Besides that, there are others. age-changewhich qualify as afflictions.

You don’t need to be seven inches in your forehead to understand that it’s hard for grandparents to wear masks. Oxygen saturation is critical, and a masked drop of several percent can create serious discomfort for an elderly person. Belgian doctors are convinced that long wearing a mask can be compared to extremely poorly ventilated room.
What do we got on the way out? Reducing oxygen flow and, conversely, saturation with carbon dioxide. This in a healthy person will cause dizziness and headache, which is already to say about the elderly. Doctors do not recommend mindlessly wearing masks - it is better to observe social distance and use so-called transparent plastic screens.

How to Wear a Mask to Everyone else Let’s Use Common Sense Whatever it is, the mask is a barrier. This is especially true for those who cough and sneeze. You guys need to wear it to avoid putting others at risk. The best thing is to stay at home, no one will judge you for it today.

Yes, we are used to going to work with obvious signs of SARS, but in this situation it is absolutely impossible. Therefore, once again, we wear masks there and when it is regulated by law. If the mask is difficult to wear, then we observe social distance, try to use a special screen. Don’t panic and respect each other. Watch this issue of Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Great” to fully master the topic.
Since the crown is still not studied properly, you do not need to consider yourself familiar and ignore rules. You don't want to wear a mask. Then keep your distance and do not create uncomfortable situations for those who prefer to wear masks. The same goes for the ardent Masonics, who in their paranoia sometimes cross every conceivable limit.

Can we not wear a mask?? Let’s return now to the Chinese, for whom the mask is not just an element of protection, but now it is an image attribute. Masks are even written beauties, as they believe that so less winded delicate skin. There's a lot to think about, isn't there? This article is about how a mask can identify a sociopath and why it is so obvious. Thank you for staying with us!
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