Speed Fat Burning: Volumes Melt Immediately! There's a hard and soft option.

Yesterday, in the queue, I accidentally met my mother's friend. We talked, and I casually asked why she was doing this. milk - three packages! When I prepared to listen to the recipe for cakes or cheesecakes, the answer to me stunned: “Why, we will lose weight together with my daughter!”


Milk for weight loss To lose weight on milk? It's something new. But the expert in weight loss, aunt Tanya, who was always full, and then sharply lost weight by 30 kilograms, inspired me confidence in the dairy diet. In principle, this is not even a diet, but a fasting day. And you need to use not whole milk, but properly brewed tea on it.

Few people are aware of the hidden possibilities of this delicious drink. Tea with milk facilitates the absorption of fats, accelerates metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body and has a choleretic effect. Today. "Site" tell you, How to make milk And use it properly for weight loss.


It is important to note that the rigid unloading milk-day You can do it no more than once a week if you have no contraindications for health reasons. In no case do not do such unloading for several days in a row! It would be great to consult a doctor before drinking a drink. See the soft version of the milk tea diet at the end of the article.

To prepare weight-lossYou will need 4 tsp of green or black tea and 1.5 l of low-fat milk. Put the milk on the stove and bring it to a boil. Then cool a little, remove the milk foam and add the tea brew. Cover the lid and, periodically stirring, let the drink brew for 30 minutes. Store it in the refrigerator, outdoors or in a thermos milk tea quickly sours.

Drink a drink of 200 ml every couple of hours. A prerequisite for this one-day diet is the use of ordinary water in a volume of at least two liters. This compensates for the lack of fluid in the body and further cleanses the body. In addition to milk and water, you can not eat or drink anything else on this day. But hunger is not particularly felt, milk tea is good. appetite.

During an unloading diet, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, which are the main cause of impaired metabolism and excess weight. If during the use of the drink you feel malaise, loss of strength and general weakness, the diet should be stopped. It is better to start later, with a more gentle option.


During this diet, sugar and bakery products are better not to eat. In one of the meals that can be changed places, you must necessarily drink a glass of milk. Such a food plan weeklyNothing more. After a diet in small portions, you can enter cereals, boiled meat, boiled and stewed vegetables, fruits.

A sparing milk diet
  1. Breakfast: a glass of low-fat milk, you can with 1 tsp. honey, or milk tea.
  2. Second breakfast: one orange or grapefruit.
  3. Lunch: 200 g of boiled meat (preferably chicken) or fish with greens.
  4. Afternoon: a glass of low-fat yogurt or milk with honey.
  5. Dinner: 200 g stewed vegetables or vegetable soup, baked fish, vinaigrette.


To enhance the effect, a milk and tea diet can be combined with light physical exercises.

You need not only to use fat-burning cocktails and other drinks for weight loss, you need to monitor your usual diet. Keep a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and soon you will say goodbye to extra pounds.

Write us in the comments your opinion about the dairy diet. What foods do you think help you lose weight? And don't forget to show milk-drink Friends on social media!


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