How to make cottage cheese from milk

Cheese is a rich calcium and protein food. No wonder children are so persistently fed this sour milk product. And how much tasty can be cooked with cottage cheese: dumplings, cheesecakes, muffins, casseroles, cakes, cheesecakes.

But the hostess is afraid. cook and buy the product on the market, and in vain, because at home you can cook the most delicate cottage cheese, spending very little time.


A popular way to get cottage cheese implies the presence of sour milk. But the “sour” is not always at hand, and the time to wait for the milk to sour is not always enough.

So today we're going to tell you how cottage cheese Fresh milk that you can buy in the nearest market. For the recipe, you will need very few ingredients, the main of which is the desire to eat fresh cottage cheese.

The ingredients
  • 3 liters of fatty milk (if the milk is low-fat, you can add cream)
  • 0.5 liters of sour milk
  • 200ml sour cream
  • 70ml lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp water

  1. Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil so that a film forms at the bottom of the container - it will not allow the milk to burn. Pour the milk and heat it to 50 degrees.

  2. While the milk is warming, take a sieve, cover it with medical gauze (folded in 3-4 layers) and put it on a large pan. The design should be such that it is possible to separate the whey from the cottage cheese.

  3. Take the heated milk off the fire, add sour cream and lemon juice. Stir thoroughly and put the pot on the stove again.
  4. Stir the milk constantly. If you need a harder cottage cheese, cook longer, if you want a softer product - boil less.

  5. After cooking, remove the pan from the stove and let it cool a little. Warm cottage cheese mixture gently pour on the gauze. The serum will be in the pot. The cottage cheese will stay on the gauze. You can taste it. Bon appetit!

Surprisingly, from three liters of milk, about 2.5 liters of the most useful whey is obtained, which can be used both for cooking other dishes and consumed raw.

From sour milk, the product turns out to be quite sour, but from fresh we get a delicate taste of healthy cottage cheese, which even lacks acid. It is not recommended to squeeze such cottage cheese, otherwise it will turn out too dry, but everyone comes at their discretion.

Now you know, How to cook cottage cheese at home. Share the secret of getting a product quickly with friends on social networks, especially if there are novice cooks among them.


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