Why young people refuse to have children

Childfrey - adults, healthy people who consciously and voluntarily refuse to have children. In Russian there is not even a word-analogue, so you have to explain such a long sentence. And all because the rejection of offspring so far simply does not fit into the heads of our people and childless Seems like something crazy.

Since ancient times, if a person had a normal sex life, he had children. If there are no children, then a person is either completely unclaimed in terms of love relationships, or sick. In any case, he needs to regret, something to advise, and secretly rejoice that you did not suffer such a fate.

But these days, there are people who have broken the pattern that society has established – they have proven that you can make love, be in a relationship or marriage, not have children and feel happy. And today's edition. "Site" They will try to find out what motivates “child-free” people.

Why give birth to children Childfrey massively appeared only in the 70s of the last century, so this social phenomenon is still poorly investigated. It is customary to divide supporters of the movement into rejectors (those who do not like children, do not feel any warm feelings when communicating with a child) and affexionado (those who value their comfort above all else and are afraid that the child will spoil everything).

DepositPhotos For What Reasons Childfrey refuses to have a child:

  1. Freedom
    The law binds a person with parental responsibilities until the child is 18 years old. But does it end after adulthood? Give money to study, help get a job, help get your own housing... You can't just dismiss a child. A parent is for life.
  2. Money.
    Raising a child these days is an expensive pleasure. It is enough to see in what conditions large families with scant finances live - this is the best campaign for childfree. In addition, having a child implies a growing family income. The older the child, the greater the costs.

  3. Liability
    Someone from Childfree is simply afraid of responsibility, someone does not want to take care of the child except for their problems. We think it’s right that you can’t handle your life, don’t take on another one.
  4. Fear.
    Even today, there is a risk that some unpleasant embarrassment will occur during childbirth. Knowing about such cases, potential mothers are simply afraid to give birth. And the fact that you will grow a living creature, many simply frighten.


Your choice of childfree is not always willing to talk. In modern society, the voluntary abandonment of children is still considered something reprehensible. couple - weird.

“Ever since high school, I have treated pregnancy as something bad, but even over the years, my opinion has not changed. I believe that it is not necessary to leave a mark on this planet with the help of a child. I think I can come up with some useful product or service that will make people’s lives better. These thoughts are relaxing, so I don't feel completely selfish. - Dana, 27


“Over time, I’ve found that children don’t make me as thrilled as other people do. And the stories of a pregnant girlfriend about how something lives and develops in her abdomen lead me to wild horror and remind me of films with aliens. Perhaps in the future I will mature and adopt a child, but now I don’t even want to think about children. – Vera, 28

“I had no parents, but I was raised by my grandparents. In my early years, I knew that I didn’t want to be a parent and spend time with my child. I don’t shy away from children, but it doesn’t make me or my husband happy. Someone says about “a glass of water”, but after all, old age depends not on children, but on how you lived your life.

The opportunity to become a father and invest your energy, time and money in a stranger I compare to a long-term and rather risky investment. Yes, it's cynical, but it is. It is ridiculous to hear about help in old age, because even the best representatives of the human race sometimes grow worthless children. And the sponsor of my old age, I am sure, is myself. It is a pity that limited people do not understand this. – Alexander, 30

While some learn to raise children on their own and get pleasure from it, and others try to scold the children to their grandmother, others refuse to procreate And they fight off annoying friends and relatives. Who is right and who regrets his own choice will judge only time. But isn’t everyone entitled to choose their own destiny?


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