Phrases You Should Not Say Childfree

It has long been believed that a person, if he is healthy and beautiful, must have children. If you have a soul mate, then the children should appear soon. But not all young people think the same. Many people deliberately abandon children and prefer to live alone or with their partner. They're called childfree.


It used to be a shame to say you didn't want children, and there was no word in our language for that. In the minds of people just do not fit how it is so “I do not want to have children”. However, there are many such young people now, and we believe that their choices should be respected. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I have prepared a list of caustic phrases that you should not say childfree, but it is best to keep to yourself.

Here imagine the situation that you learned about the decision of your friend to be childfree, but categorically disagree with her. Here you will surely come to mind a wonderful (no) thought to start dissuading her, persuading her, and then completely sprinkling caustic phrases that will make her change her decision. But trust me, childfree has heard everything you're trying to say. And if the person is over 25 years old, then most likely they have made a decision, try it and not say the following 18 phrases.

Saying them makes a person feel wrong or just angry. All these phrases can ruin your friendship forever, you probably don’t want to. Learn to be polite and not ask stupid questions.

  1. So when are you gonna have kids?
    You don't have to ask that question every time. First, this is a personal matter, and secondly, he told you that he is not going to have offspring. In addition, you do not always know what pushed a person to such a serious step, perhaps such questions hurt his feelings.
  2. Then you'll regret it!
    It's very impolite, in fact, you wish a person a bad future. You can't do that. And you're not Vanga to know for sure what someone's gonna regret.

  3. Children are the meaning of life!
    It's like watching. That may be true for you, but not for everyone. Assume that a person has found the meaning of life in another, try to understand and accept it.
  4. Tired, you say? When you are born, you will know what fatigue is.
    People can get tired for a number of reasons. Life is not a competition for who gets tired the most. You can't know for sure what's going on in a person's life right now, let alone talk about him so disparagingly.


  5. You just didn't have the right man!
    Maybe not, but don’t use it as an argument. To insult, mock and brag about your personal life - and it's all in one sentence.
  6. You're just being selfish!
    Selfish towards whom or what? We cannot say that we owe anything to our hypothetical child. What if a person, instead of having a child, decided to help others and engage in charity? Also selfish?


  7. You'll change your mind later, but it'll be too late.
    Or he won't. No one knows, but now the man has decided that. Keep that thought to yourself. If you're asked to tell me what it's like to live with children, then you can share your observations. Until then, it's best to keep quiet.
  8. What if your mom was childfree?
    These are from the realm of stupid and extremely tactless questions. The first answer, which begs for itself, is: “I wouldn’t have to answer stupid questions now!”

  9. What nonsense! The clock is ticking.
    Let them tick. It's not really your watch.
  10. If you give birth, you will.
    Many childfrees refuse to have children precisely because they do not feel awe from it. They realize that they will not be happy with the cries of children and will not be able to provide the child with proper love. This does not necessarily change after the birth of your child. Look how many orphans there are, their parents for some reason did not love them after birth.


  11. Think about your husband, he needs a baby. If you don't, he'll go to another man!
    First of all, there are many childfree men, besides, such issues are discussed in a couple. Secondly, if a man wants to leave, he will leave the child. And having a baby to keep a man is wrong and stupid.
  12. There's a bunny, there's a lawn.
    Getting a child back on their feet is not easy these days. For some people, finance plays a key role in deciding whether to have a baby. When they think about it, they realize that they don't have this lawn. And if you're not going to provide it in person, then you shouldn't use that hackneyed phrase.


  13. Who gives you a glass of water when you're old?
    Not all children take care of parents in old age, and children seem not to be for that. Once a man has made a decision, he will somehow take care of it himself.
  14. You will never understand what love is.
    A very controversial claim. Love happens not only to children, and the criteria of true love are painfully controversial to raise this topic at all.

  15. Wait, wait, after 40 sick, you'll have a baby.
    That sounds like a threat or a bad wish. Such sarcastic and toxic phrases are best kept to yourself. Moreover, there are many examples when and after 40 women gave birth to healthy children.
  16. Don't be afraid, I'll babysit.
    Oh, those premature promises. When you give birth to a child, say, “Did you give birth to me or yourself?” That often happens.


  17. You have money and a big apartment, why don't you give birth?
    Because counting other people's money and opportunities is very bad, that's why.
  18. Giving birth is nature’s plan.
    Yes, we have reproductive organs to give birth to children. Or not. Nature has made sure that the human race is not interrupted, but has left us a choice. You have to let the man decide for himself.


All these phrases are so hackneyed that they are sometimes even ridiculous and absurd. If you consider yourself a well-mannered and tolerant person, you will never use them again. Remember that each of us is given life and we are free to live it as we wish.

Earlier we wrote about why people are increasingly refusing to have children and how they motivate it. It is interesting to read, helps to understand them better.

How do you feel about childfree? Tell us in the comments!


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