How to prepare processed cheese at home

Admit it, you still buy processed cheese at the store? Everything will change today! The product, the recipe of which we happily share today, exactly the store "Yantar", only many times tastier and healthier. Treat your family with a healthy melted cheese with fresh fragrant greens, cooked in minutes!


Simple. homemade cheese editorial "Site" Everyone will fall in love at once: firstly, for everything - some 15 minutes, and secondly, the cheese is very tasty, nutritious, moderately thick, in short, so that you want to cook it again and again. But the main plus is a one hundred percent guarantee of naturalness and harmlessness of an appetizing cream product cooked at home!

How to make homemade cheese ingredients
  • 500g cottage cheese
  • 0.5 stacks of milk.
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • salt
  • flavour

  1. Move the cottage cheese into a deep bowl and thoroughly grind with a fork until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add the baking soda and pour the milk. Stir thoroughly.

  2. Put the resulting mass in a clean pan and put on a slow fire. Slowly heat the contents of the pan, constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon or wooden spatula. When the mixture begins to melt, add salt to taste (1 tsp. will be enough) and butter. Keep stirring the mix.

  3. Add crushed greens to home cheese (you can take fresh or dry dill, cumin, several crushed cloves of garlic or ground paprika) and wait for the cream mass to dissolve completely.

  4. Once the mixture has acquired a smooth homogeneous consistency, remove it from the fire, pour the finished cheese into plastic or glass containers and coolers. After 1-2 hours from chilled melted cheese you can cook appetizing sandwiches, smear it on crispy crackers, feast yourself and treat guests! Homemade processed cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days. This is very convenient, because you can prepare a home delicacy for the future, to be fully armed if guests unexpectedly come.


  5. By the way, in such cheese during heating, you can add other fillers, for example, crushed ham or salami, mushrooms or spices. See in the store, what ingredients fill their cheese manufacturers and prepare a useful analog at home.


No doubt, creamyIt turns out to be much tastier than its store likeness, but most importantly - not every manufacturer can boast of such a high quality of ingredients: no additives, flavor enhancers and flavorings for you - only natural components.

You can be sure of the usefulness and nutrition of homemade cheese 100%, and the recipe for the most delicious and tender we carefully prepared and tested - cook and enjoy!

Don’t forget to share your secrets of making homemade melted cheese in the comments. Bon appetit!


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