Useful properties of dill for health
Anciently. dill compared to the smell of roses. Romans and Greeks often gave their women bouquets from a single bundle of dill - this was considered proof of love and devotion. But insects liked this smell less, so our ancestors hung dill branches at the corners of huts to scare off the scrotum.
If someone thinks dill is an ordinary spicy weed that is used in cooking, then he is mistaken. This greenery is popular not only because of the pleasant specific aroma, but also because of the huge benefit.
Dill is one of the few products that can be used in almost any quantity. It is used in cooking soups, rolling preservation, creating salads and even desserts.
Dill properties are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and C, as well as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and carotene. The plant is not without reason considered a strong antioxidant. It contains ascorbic acid and quercetin, which allows this wonderful green to remove toxins from the body. And essential oil (the same thing that makes dill have such a rich smell) is considered an excellent antiseptic.
DepositPhotos In folk medicine, the leaves, flowers, and stalks of dill are used. Of them, decoctions and tinctures are prepared, which are used to treat a variety of diseases.
This is not surprising, because dill has diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Tinctures from it help the digestive system, increase appetite, suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes.
With an autumn cold, you can brew crushed dill seeds with St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother and thyme. Inhalations with the received tool have an expectorant effect.
But with diarrhea, it is enough to pour 2 tsp. of dill seeds with two glasses of boiling water and mix with a broth of ash in a ratio of 1: 3. Take half a cup of the mixture and the gastrointestinal disorder will be eliminated. In ancient times, even babies with pain and bloating were given water infused with dill.
You can also use a stronger tincture. In the teapot pour 2 spoonfuls of dill seeds, pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water and close the lid for 40 minutes so that the product gives the water all the benefits. Drink the resulting tincture directly from the kettle nose 7-10 times a day. And you need to drink after eating, but meals should be moderate. You should not drink on an empty stomach.
Within a week of such treatment, the ailments will disappear. Tincture helps with high pressure, insomnia, bronchitis, colds. For preventive purposes, you can drink several days a month, even if none of the above does not bother.
DepositPhotos is the largest dill It is preserved in fresh bundles of juicy green color, which have a rich aroma. Yellowed dill loses a good half of not only useful properties, but also the smell. And when you cook, do not forget that after 5 minutes of cooking, dill completely loses its aroma, so add it to ready-made dishes.
Dill lowers pressure and is recommended for use by hypertensive patients, but this property has a reverse side. So, pregnant women should not lean on dill at the table. As well as people with low blood pressure, in whom dill can cause temporary deterioration of vision, dizziness, weakness. There are even cases of fainting.
We’ve already told you how to keep green dill fresh longer. A clever way that will allow a good hostess to always have fresh and healthy greens on hand.
By the way, the list of the most useful greens we have published before. With these products, no ailments are terrible, even in the cold autumn period.
Share this useful article with your friends. And tell me which greens you love the most.
If someone thinks dill is an ordinary spicy weed that is used in cooking, then he is mistaken. This greenery is popular not only because of the pleasant specific aroma, but also because of the huge benefit.
Dill is one of the few products that can be used in almost any quantity. It is used in cooking soups, rolling preservation, creating salads and even desserts.

Dill properties are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and C, as well as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and carotene. The plant is not without reason considered a strong antioxidant. It contains ascorbic acid and quercetin, which allows this wonderful green to remove toxins from the body. And essential oil (the same thing that makes dill have such a rich smell) is considered an excellent antiseptic.

DepositPhotos In folk medicine, the leaves, flowers, and stalks of dill are used. Of them, decoctions and tinctures are prepared, which are used to treat a variety of diseases.
This is not surprising, because dill has diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Tinctures from it help the digestive system, increase appetite, suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes.

With an autumn cold, you can brew crushed dill seeds with St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother and thyme. Inhalations with the received tool have an expectorant effect.
But with diarrhea, it is enough to pour 2 tsp. of dill seeds with two glasses of boiling water and mix with a broth of ash in a ratio of 1: 3. Take half a cup of the mixture and the gastrointestinal disorder will be eliminated. In ancient times, even babies with pain and bloating were given water infused with dill.

You can also use a stronger tincture. In the teapot pour 2 spoonfuls of dill seeds, pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water and close the lid for 40 minutes so that the product gives the water all the benefits. Drink the resulting tincture directly from the kettle nose 7-10 times a day. And you need to drink after eating, but meals should be moderate. You should not drink on an empty stomach.
Within a week of such treatment, the ailments will disappear. Tincture helps with high pressure, insomnia, bronchitis, colds. For preventive purposes, you can drink several days a month, even if none of the above does not bother.

DepositPhotos is the largest dill It is preserved in fresh bundles of juicy green color, which have a rich aroma. Yellowed dill loses a good half of not only useful properties, but also the smell. And when you cook, do not forget that after 5 minutes of cooking, dill completely loses its aroma, so add it to ready-made dishes.
Dill lowers pressure and is recommended for use by hypertensive patients, but this property has a reverse side. So, pregnant women should not lean on dill at the table. As well as people with low blood pressure, in whom dill can cause temporary deterioration of vision, dizziness, weakness. There are even cases of fainting.

We’ve already told you how to keep green dill fresh longer. A clever way that will allow a good hostess to always have fresh and healthy greens on hand.
By the way, the list of the most useful greens we have published before. With these products, no ailments are terrible, even in the cold autumn period.
Share this useful article with your friends. And tell me which greens you love the most.