First aid for fainting
Each of us at least once in his life became a witness of an accident: one made a lightning decision and rushed to the rescue headlong, the other lost his hands, because he simply did not know what to do in a critical situation.
Short-term and unconsciousnessFainting is an emergency from which no one is immune. Fear, nervous shock, physical exhaustion or insufficient amount of fresh air in the room are causes of a lot, but the conclusion is one: everyone should be able to provide first aid in this case!
First aid for fainting A basic skill that every conscious person must possess. Today's edition. "Site" will lay out on the shelves how to properly provide first aid and bring a person to his senses as soon as possible. Write down, bookmark or learn by heart - no one is immune from a critical situation!
First aid for fainting symptoms of fainting
Sometimes it is simple to determine the cause of the loss of consciousness: an impressionable girl was struck by the sight of blood or, for example, an overzealous athlete gave up under the onslaught of physical exhaustion. In some cases, the cause of fainting carries much more dangers, and to understand for sure what caused a sudden attack, we will tell you what types of fainting are.
First aid algorithm
We have repeatedly told and shown how to provide first aid in critical situations, but we are ready to repeat it over and over again - you can hardly forgive yourself if, God forbid, a friend or a random passerby is in trouble, and you can not help. Fainting is not a rare phenomenon, and the ability to make the right choice without trembling in the knees and provide the victim with first aid is useful to everyone.
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Short-term and unconsciousnessFainting is an emergency from which no one is immune. Fear, nervous shock, physical exhaustion or insufficient amount of fresh air in the room are causes of a lot, but the conclusion is one: everyone should be able to provide first aid in this case!

First aid for fainting A basic skill that every conscious person must possess. Today's edition. "Site" will lay out on the shelves how to properly provide first aid and bring a person to his senses as soon as possible. Write down, bookmark or learn by heart - no one is immune from a critical situation!
First aid for fainting symptoms of fainting
- Dizziness, sudden weakness, nausea, veil before the eyes, noise in the ears, numbness of the limbs are symptoms that most often precede a fainting state.
- Pulse weak, superficial, blood pressure is sharply reduced.
- The airways of the victim are usually free, but breathing is shallow and rare.
- The reaction of the pupils to light is weak, reflexes are often depressed.
- The skin is pale, cold to the touch, covered with sweat.
- At the moment of loss of consciousness, the victim falls. This symptom is due to the protective mechanisms of the body: it turns out that the blood supply to the brain is normalized in a horizontal position, so after a while the patient safely regains consciousness without assistance.

Sometimes it is simple to determine the cause of the loss of consciousness: an impressionable girl was struck by the sight of blood or, for example, an overzealous athlete gave up under the onslaught of physical exhaustion. In some cases, the cause of fainting carries much more dangers, and to understand for sure what caused a sudden attack, we will tell you what types of fainting are.
- Vasovagal fainting
No one is immune from such fainting, especially those who are too impressionable. The cause of short-term loss of consciousness can be fear, anxiety, tension, cough, the sight of blood and even laughter. And even if this is the safest type of fainting, everyone without exception needs to be able to provide first aid in such a situation. - Heart failure
Heart failure, arrhythmia and heart attack can be accompanied by loss of consciousness. This is the situation in which it is necessary to immediately identify the cause of fainting, take appropriate measures and call an ambulance. - Postural fainting
Fainting can occur after a long stay in a standing position, with a sharp transition from a horizontal to a vertical position, with significant blood loss, anemia or dehydration of the body. - Neurological fainting
Stroke, migraine, excessive physical exertion and overheating are another cause of loss of consciousness that can not be ignored.

First aid algorithm
- The first thing to do immediately is to lay the victim in a horizontal position on his back with his lower limbs raised 45° (the Trendelenburg position), so that the head and shoulders are below the level of the pelvis. It is enough to lay the patient's feet on a stool or, for example, a bench if the trouble occurred on the street.
DepositPhotos - Next, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient surge of oxygen, namely: unbutton the squeezing parts of clothing (collar shirt, cuffs, belt, remove scarf) and open the windows in the room. It is also necessary to turn the victim's head sideways to avoid aspiration of vomit masses.
DepositPhotos - If possible, it is necessary to bring a cotton swab to the patient's nose, moistened with an irritant (fluff alcohol, vinegar, essential oil with a pungent smell) to stimulate the respiratory and vascular centers. Inhaling ammonia vapors usually helps to return the victim to consciousness in a short time.
DepositPhotos - Another effective way to help is to put a wet and cold towel on the victim’s forehead or moisten his face with cold water, pat his cheeks and intensively rub the ears.
DepositPhotos - With prolonged loss of consciousness, you need to rub the upper and lower limbs of the victim, coat him with heating pads or cover him with a plaid, and after returning to consciousness, drink hot tea and soothe him.
DepositPhotos - Do not raise the patient after his return to consciousness. Let me wake up and call an ambulance as a matter of urgency. Fainting can be a symptom of serious health problems, so the victim in any case needs a professional examination.
We have repeatedly told and shown how to provide first aid in critical situations, but we are ready to repeat it over and over again - you can hardly forgive yourself if, God forbid, a friend or a random passerby is in trouble, and you can not help. Fainting is not a rare phenomenon, and the ability to make the right choice without trembling in the knees and provide the victim with first aid is useful to everyone.
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