Popular stereotypes about women

Humanity has not yet found the answer to the question “What does a woman want?” And the woman herself has not yet figured it out.

Instead, we have successfully created and cultivated many myths about female psychology and physiology. It is time to dispel them scientifically.

Female nature is mysterious and unpredictable. Every scientist who has managed to understand it at least a little deserves great gratitude from humanity.

DepositPhotos Female Nature
  1. Women are more cowardly
    German scientist F. Riemann, who has published several works on the phenomenon of fear, argues that women can not always adequately assess the fragility of their situation, so more often men commit bold, but in fact risky and rash actions. At the same time, a woman is less willing to overcome her inner conscious fear than a man. If you are afraid of a serious relationship, you will not get acquainted.


  2. Women love trinkets, wrappers, caps, sparkles
    Not at all. Alone with a woman is not inclined to decorate herself with ribbons and brooches. She wears these accessories, counting on the fact that they like the man. And also to compete with other women. It's like fishing for a worm. The worm in this case is studs, stockings in patterns, lace, earrings ...


  3. More women in the world than men
    According to statistics, 107 boys are born for every 100 girls. In India and China, this imbalance is artificially maintained. The ratio of men and women equalizes with age. This occurs closer to age 35 and is due to a higher male mortality rate.

  4. Women like sweets more, men like meat.
    This stereotype arose from another stereotype that men supposedly need animal protein to get their meat. In fact, it can be replaced with plant. The need for protein is not much higher than that of women.

  5. Women are cleaner.
    American biologist Charles Herb examined the workplaces of office workers: laptops, desks, drawers, shelves of employees and even their bags. And reported that in women's things accumulate 4 times more bacteria than in men. In addition, women are much more likely to use cosmetics, and it not only decorates, but also creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.


  6. Women are afraid of snakes and spiders
    There is such an alarming symptom as arachnophobia, which manifests itself in the fear of spiders. It manifests itself in men three times more than in women. The snake is traditionally considered a totem female animal, as is the cat. The symbol of the snake was used during cult rites and ceremonies by witches, priestesses and royal persons. This animal is more likely to come into contact with a woman than with a man, because the smell of the latter causes him aggression.

    For every 10 men bitten by snakes, there is one woman. You can't argue with statistics.


  7. Women are dumber than men
    The University of Chicago tested American college graduates. The results of the girls were stable at a sufficient level. And the results of the guys are either very low or very high. According to the results of calculations, the average indicators of intelligence were higher in women. Geniuses are rare among women. But there are not many stupid ones among them. The role of the stupidest and most intelligent in society is assigned to a man.


  8. Women suffer worse from physical pain
    In men, the pain threshold is higher, testosterone helps them to endure pain - a natural analgesic. Women have lower levels, but they are more patient. They feel pain, but are willing to endure it, which is not true of men. Men are 10 times more likely to lose consciousness at the sight of blood than women. They also suffer from the so-called male flu, caused by weakened immunity against the background of increased testosterone levels. And show intolerance to aching pain. These conclusions were made by physiologists from the University of Siena.


  9. Women love children.
    The Center for In-depth Behavior Research in Palo Alto studied complaints from visitors to cafes and restaurants. For 9 women who complained about the bad behavior of other people’s children, there was 1 man. Women are engaged in the upbringing of children or at least provide them in the household plan, but this does not mean that they all love babies madly and know how to communicate with them.


  10. Women live longer
    In the period from 36 to 50 years, men, compared to women, are more at risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. In their body there is no large amount of the female hormone estrogen, which protects blood vessels. After 50, women have menopause and the chances of both sexes for a long life become equal.


Refutation mythologyWe'll never deny one. Women may endure pain, not stupid or cowardly, but they were and remain more sensitive and emotional than men. Therefore, the weaker sex is called quite deservedly.

It is believed that stereotypes about women are invented by men. But women are still fantasists, they attribute to the stronger sex no less fiction.

The most common womanhood“They only need one thing” and “The best partner is the alpha male.” We have gladly dispelled them in our previous articles.


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