Why German schools don’t collect money from parents

The parent committees of our schools have been sounding the alarm lately and complaining that they have to raise money for what they think the state should provide.

Whether we are really talking about extortion or so manifests a parental reluctance to congratulate teachers on holidays, it is still worth figuring out. Whatever it was, against the background of these scandals, interest in the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in other countries has risen.


In Germany, for example, it is quite different. Raising funds for classes and schools, as we call them, would shock the Germans.

The work of German teachers, as well as other representatives of the public sector, is regulated by labor law. German law provides for sanctions for violations. They are much more serious than reprimand and dismissal "of their own volition."

For this reason, there are no funds in German schools. And there are restrictions on accepting gifts from grateful students and parents.

It is customary to give one bouquet from the whole class as a greeting and one gift, the cost of which does not exceed 20 euros. There are no restrictions on gifts made with your own hands.


For gifts that are more expensive than the established norm, teachers have to report to the Department of education. Everything is declared and reported. From a bureaucratic point of view, this procedure is inconvenient, so teachers themselves are not interested in receiving inappropriate gifts.

For accepting too expensive a gift, a teacher can receive a fine of 4,000 euros or be fired.



Parents of German children are not dropped for repairs, curtains, new equipment. Such an item of expenditure is simply not expected.

At the same time, they, like us, rent money for excursions organized for class trips, expenses for class trips. It's considered normal.

As in any society, in German there are socially vulnerable citizens who find it difficult to provide their children with the necessary textbooks, office, sportswear. Such people are helped by the financial support funds for schools created under city self-government bodies.

DepositPhotos is clearly levies Our cities are happening because our standard of living is lower than in Germany. We cannot afford to provide every classroom with everything needed at the state level.

DepositPhotos is what parents have to do. My parents are mostly not very rich. Therefore, every initiative of a teacher or a parent committee to decorate a classroom in which their child is studying with a new pot is perceived as a threat to their financial condition.

For example, in Ukraine, Articles 364 and 368 of the Criminal Code provide for punishment in the form of a fine of up to 22 thousand hryvnias for coercion to monetary fees. If this happens on the part of the school, the law is on the side of the parent.


If it doesn't stop school fees initiated by the parent committeeWe need to change the committee. And understand that for disagreement to give money will not follow absolutely nothing. The fear of being ashamed by others, by a white crow, deprived, not like everything else still lives in the minds of our people. It is the only one that creates psychological discomfort for those who refuse to go against the tide.

Do you want to know how education works in other countries? Read our articles about the features of French schools or the methods used in teaching American teachers. We have a lot of interesting things for you.


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