How to make chocolate and banana cake without baking

When the house has bananas, cookies, sour cream and gelatin, and I have some free time, I always make this amazing dessert. I really like that it does not need to be baked and do not need to play with the dough for a long time. I just take the biscuits and pass them through the grinder (although you can grind in a blender) and then start making the cream (15 minutes time).

By the way, whole bananas are used extremely rarely, usually they are increasingly kneaded, whipped, grinded. So they are also unsuitable for decoration: they quickly darken and look unpresentable.

And in this dessert they go not in pieces, but whole! Bananas inside this cake Hidden under a layer of delicate chocolate mousse.


This cake looks very interesting. But most importantly, its taste. Gentle, light, reminiscent of soft air ice cream with the aroma of bananas and rum!

Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you how to cook. banana-chocolate dessert. In a chilled state, the dessert is easy to cut and it retains its shape perfectly!


Chocolate Banana Cake Ingredients for Basis
  • 200g biscuits
  • 80g butter

Filling ingredients
  • 2-3 bananas
  • 400ml sour cream
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp cocoa
  • 15g instant gelatin


  1. Take the oil out of the fridge and hold some in the kitchen at room temperature to soften.


Skip a biscuit (I have a cracker) through a meat grinder or blender to get a state of fine gruel. Then mix it with softened butter.


Put the dough in the form and take it well, then put the form in the refrigerator.

To prepare the cream, mix sugar, cocoa, milk and gelatin in a convenient container. Stir it well.

Pour the mixture into a pan and place it on a medium fire. Heat the mixture, periodically stirring to dissolve the gelatin. But don't boil! Cool the cream, add sour cream and stir it again. Clean the bananas, cut them in half, and then put them on the dough.

Pour the bananas with cream and put the dessert in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Even better if he stays there all night.

That's it, the chocolate banana dessert is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with fruits, nuts or chocolate chips. Bon appetit!

I also suggest you learn how to make a banana cake. The taste of this dessert is amazing!


As you can see, the recipe is quite simple, in addition, you can diversify it at will: add nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips, pieces of marmalade ...

So if you decide to cook it, you will have moments of true bliss when eating this delicacy. And the dessert "Brazed bananas" can be eaten in large portions and do not get better!

Tell your friends about this wonderful thing. culinary findThey will thank you for it!


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