How to get rid of barley in the eye

Itching, redness, unpleasant sensations in the eyelids... Symptoms that everyone has experienced at least once in their lives. The appearance of barley in the eye It is always inappropriate and always gives us a lot of problems.


With this sore usually do not go to the doctor, but this does not mean that it should not be taken seriously. Know, How to treat barley at homeEveryone needs it. Otherwise, sad and difficult to treat consequences are possible.


"Site" 8 safe and effective methods of dealing with this common disease.

How to cure barley on the eye Barley is called a purulent inflammatory process in the eyelids. The edge of the eyelid first itches, then swells, the eyes often water, and a few days later a white-yellow head is formed on the top of the bulge - an abscess.


It only seems that the barley “jumps” out of nowhere. The main reason for its appearance is the weakening of the body's defenses in long-term inflammatory and chronic diseases.


In 90–95% of cases, barley is caused by bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus. In addition to barley, they can also cause adenoiditis, purulent sore throat, pneumonia, pericarditis, prolonged diarrhea and other diseases. There are a number of other reasons for the appearance of barley on the eye.

Reasons for the appearance of barley on the eye
  1. Contact of unwashed hands with eyes.

  2. Use of other people's cosmetics.
  3. Wiping your face after washing with a dirty towel.
  4. Tick demodex (demode), which is usually not dangerous to humans, but with failures in the body begins to multiply vigorously, causing inflammation of the eyelash bulbs.


The following reasons can provoke the appearance of barley in front of the eyes:

  1. diabetes
  2. Vitamin deficiency
  3. blepharite
  4. Hypothermia
  5. Intestinal problems
  6. Helminth infestation

As a rule, hospitalization is not required to alleviate the condition and destroy the infection with barley. However, only a doctor can identify the real cause of the disease and determine the method of treatment.

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of barley, it should not be squeezed out in any case.

What to do with barley
  1. Treatment with antiseptic agents
    At the very beginning of the disease, local cauterization with a 70% alcohol solution or a solution of greens helps. Soak in a cotton swab and wipe it. Avoid getting antiseptic on the mucosa.

  2. Heat treatment
    The heat effect helps reduce inflammation, reduce pain, prevent complications and serious suppuration. Warm up the eye and relieve inflammation can be with a boiled egg. Clean it, cut it in half, wrap it in a handkerchief and use it warm.
  3. Physiotherapy
    To cope with barley, physiotherapy procedures help - microwave thermal radiation, electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation therapy. They perfectly warm the eyelid and kill microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), which caused inflammation. The course of physiotherapy, depending on the technique, is 4-6 days.
  4. Medication
    Only a doctor can prescribe medication. The following drugs are used as drops: sulfacil-sodium, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, penicillin, ophthalmoferon and others. It is necessary to drip the chosen therapeutic solution 3-4 times a day, this approach helps to get rid of barley on the eye quickly and helps protect against complications.


    If against the background of barley, body temperature has risen, general malaise is concerned, then the doctor can prescribe antibiotic therapy orally or intramuscularly. The effective antibiotics in barley tablets are ofloxacin, amoxil.

  5. Diet therapy
    Restoring proper nutrition will not help relieve direct inflammation, but will be an additional preventive guarantee for the future. You should avoid fried, spicy, fatty.
  6. Chamomile
    After preliminary consultation with a doctor, traditional medicine can be used as an additional treatment. Moisten the cotton disc with a chilled decoction of pharmacy chamomile and apply it to the eye. Do this for a few days until the inflammation goes away.

  7. aloe
    Grind a leaf of fresh aloe into a gruel. Make a lot of it. Aloe has the property of pulling pus.
  8. Grass collection
    If a person is often disturbed by barley, you can apply a decoction of the following components: 2 parts of the root of aira, 2 parts of birch buds, 4 parts of the herb of a bagulica, 4 parts of the grass of a series, 3 parts of the herb of violet. Grind all the ingredients with a coffee grinder. Brew two tablespoons of collection for about 10 minutes, then let stand for 12 hours and filter. Take the resulting remedy half an hour before meals. A single dose is half a glass.

Contraindications for barley
  1. Most importantly: barley cannot be categorically squeezed, since purulent contents can spread to the eyelid, and this is fraught with an abscess and other serious complications.
  2. As a child, we were told to spit on barley. At best, it is simply useless, and at worst it can lead to infection in the eye.
  3. Use hydrogen peroxide or other concentrated solutions to wipe barley.
  4. Keep your eyes on the steam.
  5. Wash your eyes with urine.
  6. Use eye makeup.
  7. Wear contact lenses.

The eyes reflect not only our inner world, but also our diseases. Editorial "Site" 8 signals, with the help of which the eyes tell about the presence of a disease in the body.

Like any other human muscle, the eye muscles also need to be trained and kept in good working order. We have prepared for you 10 proven medical ways to improve vision. This advice should be followed by everyone!


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