Why do women give up makeup?
Two months ago, I participated in a women's marathon, which I found on one of the social networks. You know, there are things like, "14 days without sugar," "Two weeks without pants" -- you only wear skirts; but this one was special, and it was a real challenge for me. It was like 10 days without makeup.
Makeup in the modern world It has long been part of a daily women's routine that she must perform before going outside. For example, very many of my friends simply do not imagine how you can go out even for bread unpainted, suddenly someone will see.
For every woman who wears makeup, there is one who doesn’t like it. And this trend has recently been gaining more and more popularity.
Statistics show that strong women love walk aroundPsychologists say, “Women who don’t wear makeup are happier than others.”
DepositPhotos Edition "Site" I decided to look into this question and share with you, dear reader, the opinion of experienced psychologists and, perhaps, find an answer to the question: Women Refuse Makeup. Makeup free...
DepositPhotos Makeup for Women
Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive. Fortunately, you do not need to spend huge sums on expensive cosmetics and salons. The basis of beauty is home care.
I suggest you learn 10 simple, but effective tips, thanks to which you will always maintain yourself in excellent condition, so that any outing without makeup causes admiration among all those around you, and you have pride in your beauty and well-groomed look.
Woman without makeup: for someone she is a white crow, for someone - a genius of pure (literally) beauty, for someone - a sloth, and for someone in general - a "baba man." Many opinions.
I can say that makeup is good when it does not interrupt the natural beauty. Everything should be in moderation and harmony. But there is a type of appearance that does not need the techniques of decorative cosmetics, and it is really wonderful.
And at the same time, makeup is also an art that can be equated with the visual. There are cases when it is simply necessary, as, for example, on stage, so that the viewer can see the artist more clearly and clearly from a distance. And this is not the only example.
How are you? You're into makeup.? Is it your daily attribute, or do you easily do without it? I would be glad if you would share your opinion with us in the comments. And don’t forget to discuss this topic with your friends on social networks.
Dear women, girls, girls, shine, decorate this world with your beauty and be happy!
Makeup in the modern world It has long been part of a daily women's routine that she must perform before going outside. For example, very many of my friends simply do not imagine how you can go out even for bread unpainted, suddenly someone will see.

For every woman who wears makeup, there is one who doesn’t like it. And this trend has recently been gaining more and more popularity.
Statistics show that strong women love walk aroundPsychologists say, “Women who don’t wear makeup are happier than others.”

DepositPhotos Edition "Site" I decided to look into this question and share with you, dear reader, the opinion of experienced psychologists and, perhaps, find an answer to the question: Women Refuse Makeup. Makeup free...

DepositPhotos Makeup for Women
- Even in the Renaissance, women hid pimples under artificial moles (flies), and layers of powder concealed an uneven face tone or other shortcomings and skin problems. After one scientific study, it turned out that those women who do not wear cosmetics are happier. As if they had nothing to hide, both on the face and in other areas of life. This woman understands that no one is perfect.
But despite this, she feels comfortable in her own skin. She is confident in herself and her beauty. And it pushes the boundaries.
And no tonal cream in the line of monthly expenses! Imagine that all you have to do in the morning is get up, wash and go decorate the world.
DepositPhotos - It all depends on how you look. When you look at yourself in the mirror for a long time, you may notice facial wrinkles or a fold on your forehead because you periodically frown, or you may notice how beautiful your eyes are, how long and black by nature eyelashes. Strong women who prefer strip awayThey find only advantages in their appearance. After all, wrinkles, freckles, pimples are all part of us. And confident and happy women know this.
Why not? God had a reason to give you that face, and it was definitely meant to walk the earth with a smile.
DepositPhotos - Try this experiment: wash yourself, stand in front of a mirror and start studying your face. Pay attention to skin tone and freckles. Find your strengths: what is beautiful in you: plump lips, large or, conversely, small, but mischievous eyes, a beautiful oval of the face, expressive cheekbones ... Everyone has their own! It won’t take you long to see that you are beautiful. And if you're still unsure, feel uncomfortable without makeup, try walking around without it for a while.
You can start doing it gradually. Start by giving up mascara, try applying a transparent lip gloss instead of lipstick. Use a light tonal base, do not apply a lot of products to the face. Use neutral shades.
Believe me, the world will accept it calmly and affablely. Personally, my experiment was very successful, and it greatly increased my self-esteem.
And even if your skin is not in perfect condition, this experiment will make you think about your health. After all, bags under the eyes and the lack of shine in the eyes have their reasons. So why not begin to solve them, taking a step towards yourself and your true needs!
DepositPhotos - Strong ladies are happy for many reasons. One of them is that they are comfortable in their own skin. This is something that many people strive for, but never achieve. It is difficult for them to relax and be satisfied with who they are. But a strong woman can look at herself in the mirror, she is proud of who she is.
Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive. Fortunately, you do not need to spend huge sums on expensive cosmetics and salons. The basis of beauty is home care.
I suggest you learn 10 simple, but effective tips, thanks to which you will always maintain yourself in excellent condition, so that any outing without makeup causes admiration among all those around you, and you have pride in your beauty and well-groomed look.

Woman without makeup: for someone she is a white crow, for someone - a genius of pure (literally) beauty, for someone - a sloth, and for someone in general - a "baba man." Many opinions.
I can say that makeup is good when it does not interrupt the natural beauty. Everything should be in moderation and harmony. But there is a type of appearance that does not need the techniques of decorative cosmetics, and it is really wonderful.

And at the same time, makeup is also an art that can be equated with the visual. There are cases when it is simply necessary, as, for example, on stage, so that the viewer can see the artist more clearly and clearly from a distance. And this is not the only example.
How are you? You're into makeup.? Is it your daily attribute, or do you easily do without it? I would be glad if you would share your opinion with us in the comments. And don’t forget to discuss this topic with your friends on social networks.
Dear women, girls, girls, shine, decorate this world with your beauty and be happy!