How to stabilize pressure at home
High blood pressure, or hypertension, often torments older people. The level of blood pressure should be monitored, since its jumps negatively affect the state of health. Blood pressure of 140/90 is considered high.
Usually, hypertension manifests itself through the following symptoms:
Who knows, What pressure should be reduced? People who have heart problems should use a blood pressure monitor for control. If the upper systolic pressure exceeds 180, you need to call a doctor. If you’re below 180 but above 140, it makes sense to try to help yourself.
Olga Papsueva recommends the following. She always keeps mustard at home. And as soon as it feels malaise and headache caused by high pressure, it puts one mustard on the back of the head and one on the calf muscles. In parallel, makes a hot bath for the feet, self-massage of the head and kneads hands.
Before taking the pill, she experiences more harmless methods. With half a glass of water mixes a teaspoon of motherwort tincture, a teaspoon of valerian tincture and a teaspoon of hawthorn. Takes this drug to prevent heart disease for two months daily, but no more.
How to reduce pressure More? Other folk remedies can also be tried. Grind four lemons, four heads of garlic, add 2 tbsp of grated ginger to them. Pour water, boil and take 100 ml per day 15 minutes before meals. The remedy is also considered preventive.
There are general recommendations for improving health, the implementation of which will necessarily lead to the normalization of blood pressure. Start playing sports or just walk more. Reduce salt intake, eat more bananas and baked potatoes. The potassium contained in them neutralizes the negative effect of sodium, which increases blood pressure.
Lose weight, it is difficult for the heart to drive blood through the body that has floated fat. Give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol and even coffee. Meditate or do yoga, because stress is the first cause of heart problems.
About the use of which products negatively affect heart health and what exercises help normalize its work and reduce blood pressure, read in our next articles. Follow the links.

Usually, hypertension manifests itself through the following symptoms:
- Headaches, especially in the occipital region, dizziness, confusion.
- A feeling of pulsation in the head, weak, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).
- Red face, chest, sweating, chills for no apparent reason.
- Swelling of the eyelids and faces after sleep, swelling of the hands, numbness of the fingers.
- "Fly" before your eyes.
- Deterioration of memory, decreased concentration of attention.
- Feeling of internal tension, irritability, anger, decreased efficiency.

Who knows, What pressure should be reduced? People who have heart problems should use a blood pressure monitor for control. If the upper systolic pressure exceeds 180, you need to call a doctor. If you’re below 180 but above 140, it makes sense to try to help yourself.

Olga Papsueva recommends the following. She always keeps mustard at home. And as soon as it feels malaise and headache caused by high pressure, it puts one mustard on the back of the head and one on the calf muscles. In parallel, makes a hot bath for the feet, self-massage of the head and kneads hands.

Before taking the pill, she experiences more harmless methods. With half a glass of water mixes a teaspoon of motherwort tincture, a teaspoon of valerian tincture and a teaspoon of hawthorn. Takes this drug to prevent heart disease for two months daily, but no more.

How to reduce pressure More? Other folk remedies can also be tried. Grind four lemons, four heads of garlic, add 2 tbsp of grated ginger to them. Pour water, boil and take 100 ml per day 15 minutes before meals. The remedy is also considered preventive.

There are general recommendations for improving health, the implementation of which will necessarily lead to the normalization of blood pressure. Start playing sports or just walk more. Reduce salt intake, eat more bananas and baked potatoes. The potassium contained in them neutralizes the negative effect of sodium, which increases blood pressure.

Lose weight, it is difficult for the heart to drive blood through the body that has floated fat. Give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol and even coffee. Meditate or do yoga, because stress is the first cause of heart problems.
About the use of which products negatively affect heart health and what exercises help normalize its work and reduce blood pressure, read in our next articles. Follow the links.