How to perform the pose of the god of dance
Wrong posture is the scourge of modern society. Sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity and gadgets spoil our posture every day. Wrong posture entails a lot of trouble: from constant back pain to chronic fatigue. However, this is not a sentence, you can always improve posture, and yoga can help with this.
Editorial "Site" He says, posture with one healing asana.
Adjustment of posture We will talk about nataradjasana. This is one of the symbolic asanas, it is also called the pose of the god of dance. Nataraja, or the King of Dance, is one of the hypostases of Shiva. It is to him that one of the most beautiful and energetic yoga asanas is dedicated. That's what we're going to talk about today.
The main advantage of asana is that it helps to correct posture and make it graceful. In addition, it develops a sense of balance, trains the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the muscles of the legs, opens the chest, having a positive effect on each vertebra. It also helps to bring the abdominal organs into tone and tighten the stomach.
This asana has several variations, but we will start with a simplified one. So, stand in tadasana (back as straight as possible, legs together) and stretch your left hand parallel to the floor. Then bend your right knee, take your leg back and up as much as possible. With your right hand, grab the thumb of your right foot.
It is necessary to pull the leg back and up, the right hand also reaches up. Ideal performance is considered when the right thigh is parallel to the floor, and the lower leg is perpendicular. Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds, breathe calmly and deeply. Then return to the starting position and repeat the asana with the second leg.
If you can not maintain balance, you can lean your hand against the wall. It is also possible to cover the leg with your palm, rather than holding the finger, this will make it a little easier to perform. The final asana is when the foot is placed on the head and held by both hands. However, this is achieved through long training.
Perform asana every day, preferably in the morning and evening. However, before doing it, it would be nice to perform a minimum set of asanas to stretch the muscles and warm up, for example, yoga for the joints of sukshma vyayama.
This asana is quite complex, so it has some contraindications: high or low blood pressure, injuries to the knees and hip joints, injuries and lesions of the spine.
Performing an asana fills the body with energy and gives a great mood! After a couple of weeks of daily performance, you will notice how back pain goes away, and posture becomes more graceful. I see no reason not to start doing asana right now!
This video will help you learn more about the technique of performing this asana.
If you are concerned about back pain, be sure to add Malasana to your exercise complex, or pose garland. Another amazing asana!
Yoga is a great way to heal the body, strengthen muscles, and cleanse your consciousness. Especially good are 6 simple asanas that will help to awaken the spring force, activate the lymphatic system, release energy and remove winter blocks. Just try it!
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Editorial "Site" He says, posture with one healing asana.
Adjustment of posture We will talk about nataradjasana. This is one of the symbolic asanas, it is also called the pose of the god of dance. Nataraja, or the King of Dance, is one of the hypostases of Shiva. It is to him that one of the most beautiful and energetic yoga asanas is dedicated. That's what we're going to talk about today.

The main advantage of asana is that it helps to correct posture and make it graceful. In addition, it develops a sense of balance, trains the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the muscles of the legs, opens the chest, having a positive effect on each vertebra. It also helps to bring the abdominal organs into tone and tighten the stomach.

This asana has several variations, but we will start with a simplified one. So, stand in tadasana (back as straight as possible, legs together) and stretch your left hand parallel to the floor. Then bend your right knee, take your leg back and up as much as possible. With your right hand, grab the thumb of your right foot.

It is necessary to pull the leg back and up, the right hand also reaches up. Ideal performance is considered when the right thigh is parallel to the floor, and the lower leg is perpendicular. Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds, breathe calmly and deeply. Then return to the starting position and repeat the asana with the second leg.

If you can not maintain balance, you can lean your hand against the wall. It is also possible to cover the leg with your palm, rather than holding the finger, this will make it a little easier to perform. The final asana is when the foot is placed on the head and held by both hands. However, this is achieved through long training.

Perform asana every day, preferably in the morning and evening. However, before doing it, it would be nice to perform a minimum set of asanas to stretch the muscles and warm up, for example, yoga for the joints of sukshma vyayama.

This asana is quite complex, so it has some contraindications: high or low blood pressure, injuries to the knees and hip joints, injuries and lesions of the spine.

Performing an asana fills the body with energy and gives a great mood! After a couple of weeks of daily performance, you will notice how back pain goes away, and posture becomes more graceful. I see no reason not to start doing asana right now!
This video will help you learn more about the technique of performing this asana.
If you are concerned about back pain, be sure to add Malasana to your exercise complex, or pose garland. Another amazing asana!
Yoga is a great way to heal the body, strengthen muscles, and cleanse your consciousness. Especially good are 6 simple asanas that will help to awaken the spring force, activate the lymphatic system, release energy and remove winter blocks. Just try it!
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