How to perform maha mudra correctly
Yoga is more than a simple set of exercises. Asanas do not just strengthen muscles and tighten the body, thanks to them you can work with energy flows. Any blocks in the flow of energy through the body subsequently affect health. It is through yoga that this can be avoided.
There are asanas that are aimed specifically at working with energy channels. And one of those asanas is maha mudra. Today's edition. "Site" He will teach you this asana and tell you about its benefits for the body.
Yoga for health Maha mudra, or the posture of the great seal, is one of postureIt has a stunning effect on the body. It is recommended to perform with poor digestion, gastrointestinal problems and hemorrhoids. It also helps with headache, dizziness and darkening in the eyes.
Performing this asana, you work through the organs of the abdominal cavity, bringing them into tone, and also stimulate the kidneys and adrenal glands, reduce pain in the spleen. In general, this asana is useful absolutely on all organs of the abdominal cavity.
And it is a very useful asana for women, it is relevant to practice in case of displacement or loss of the uterus, as well as in other female diseases. The great seal posture is useful for the prevention of such diseases, it has a strengthening effect on the pelvic organs.
However, men do not need to give it up. Maha mudra is a great way to prevent problems with potency and prostate diseases. By and large, this asana should be performed by everyone. The only contraindications are injuries to the knees and ankles, as well as with high blood pressure.
A little below will be a video in which a beautiful girl will show you how to perform this asana, but in the meantime, let’s understand the technique.
First take the posture of the staff (sitting on the floor, legs straightened forward). Bend your left leg, then lower it to the floor. Apply to the inside of the right thigh, forming a right angle between the right and left leg.
Now lean forward slowly, stretch your arms forward. If possible, grab your left thumb with your hands. Bend your head so that the chin is in the key fossa. With each exhalation, lean to the maximum possible point.
Try to stretch your spine completely. At the maximum possible point, linger and exhale, pulling the stomach to the diaphragm. Then relax your stomach and exhale. After inhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then tighten your stomach again. Do 6-7 of these breathing cycles. Do the same with the other leg.
This asana can be added to your daily routine. yoga. You can do it one of the last to let your body relax. This is an incredibly powerful asana, after which you will feel a surge of energy and energy. Be sure to do it!
Here is a video where you can see how the asana is performed.
Yoga asanas work miracles. For example, recently we wrote about the useful position of the pigeon and why it is necessary to perform it regularly.
And recently we shared with you a wonderful complex of morning yoga, which will help to energize the body for the whole day!
We also talked about the miraculous properties of the dog’s downward pose, which literally heals. Perform them all in a complex, and you will feel how your body and your life will change!
You like the asana? Then get on with your friends!

There are asanas that are aimed specifically at working with energy channels. And one of those asanas is maha mudra. Today's edition. "Site" He will teach you this asana and tell you about its benefits for the body.
Yoga for health Maha mudra, or the posture of the great seal, is one of postureIt has a stunning effect on the body. It is recommended to perform with poor digestion, gastrointestinal problems and hemorrhoids. It also helps with headache, dizziness and darkening in the eyes.
Performing this asana, you work through the organs of the abdominal cavity, bringing them into tone, and also stimulate the kidneys and adrenal glands, reduce pain in the spleen. In general, this asana is useful absolutely on all organs of the abdominal cavity.

And it is a very useful asana for women, it is relevant to practice in case of displacement or loss of the uterus, as well as in other female diseases. The great seal posture is useful for the prevention of such diseases, it has a strengthening effect on the pelvic organs.

However, men do not need to give it up. Maha mudra is a great way to prevent problems with potency and prostate diseases. By and large, this asana should be performed by everyone. The only contraindications are injuries to the knees and ankles, as well as with high blood pressure.
A little below will be a video in which a beautiful girl will show you how to perform this asana, but in the meantime, let’s understand the technique.

First take the posture of the staff (sitting on the floor, legs straightened forward). Bend your left leg, then lower it to the floor. Apply to the inside of the right thigh, forming a right angle between the right and left leg.
Now lean forward slowly, stretch your arms forward. If possible, grab your left thumb with your hands. Bend your head so that the chin is in the key fossa. With each exhalation, lean to the maximum possible point.

Try to stretch your spine completely. At the maximum possible point, linger and exhale, pulling the stomach to the diaphragm. Then relax your stomach and exhale. After inhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then tighten your stomach again. Do 6-7 of these breathing cycles. Do the same with the other leg.

This asana can be added to your daily routine. yoga. You can do it one of the last to let your body relax. This is an incredibly powerful asana, after which you will feel a surge of energy and energy. Be sure to do it!

Here is a video where you can see how the asana is performed.
Yoga asanas work miracles. For example, recently we wrote about the useful position of the pigeon and why it is necessary to perform it regularly.
And recently we shared with you a wonderful complex of morning yoga, which will help to energize the body for the whole day!
We also talked about the miraculous properties of the dog’s downward pose, which literally heals. Perform them all in a complex, and you will feel how your body and your life will change!
You like the asana? Then get on with your friends!
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